Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

@Thomas_Brady first trip back to Limerick


They can’t be expected to legislate for a few oul lads and their astro kickabout

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On 29th June we can go to a neighbouring county too.

When is the public enquiry starting


The pool scene that follows is a classic…

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George Lee is very nervous and very worried. It’s just not fair

George Lee is some fucking killjoy here.

He’s having a mental breakdown

An often overlooked classic.

He’s gutted that 1000s aren’t dying daily.

He’s very simple minded. Even for RTE he’s particulary bad

Sure the LIDTF crowd are livid about that too.

Of course it is, it’s my birthday. The LBGTQ+glas normally do a wonderful job of marking the occasion

“We’ve been watching what’s happened in other countries…”

It reminds me of the yarn on how the wren became the king of the birds, carefully, quietly, hiding among the feathers of the eagle, only to fly out at the last minute, shouting “we done it!”


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Back to normal for them so


They’ve opened it up and the OIUTF lads are still frothing. Their mental weakness will see them head under the bed within days.

Trump saying they have a vaccine ready to go - just needs to pass the safety checks … what’s he blabbing about?

My favourite part of the language used was the government requested permission from nepth to accelerate the roadmap. Government shouldnt need to request permission.

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They should organize protest marches.

Don’t you dare question the authority of Tony

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