Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread


We should all be so grateful to Numbnuts Harris and Dr. Cervical Check for giving us permission to move again. All the Lock It Down brigade, as expected, will need to take out credit union loans to cover the cost of all the diesel they’re going to burn with their new-found freedom.

We’ve done it (well we are closer to having it done)

What did he say about sports teams?

Training in groups of 15 max.

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The GAA are releasing something later I think I read. Late July/August for club Shane Stapleton had the other day.

I was told about a month ago that the club championships would be on in August, I thought it was guesswork but I wonder if those at an inter county level were told something different about what was likely to happen all along


I assume the GAA will come out with their own guidelines soon.

Si Harris giving a speech for the ages.

Playgrounds once supervised can reopen from Monday. Summer camps can also be held once no more 15 people mixing together.

Athletes can return to training and greyhound racing can resume without spectators.

OIUTF will commence on the 29th of June

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the hide under the bed crowd will be livid


They had enough provisions got in for another 6 months … they’ll be fuming

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Is it just me or has Heather Humphrey’s accent and voice got more unlistenable?

What arbitrary things will we be able to do in another few weeks?

29th of June is freedom day


Leo’s example of Westport to Castlebar shows what TD is behind the change to movement within the county.

Agreed there will be no July 20th phase that’s only for a bit of political cover at this stage

Did they say anything about lads being able to play a bit of ball?