Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You wouldn’t be a green orangeman if you have

Fuck Tipp.


A useless broadcaster and a useless politician

I’d say he’s never had a day of joy in his life

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I ordered delivery pints tonight. DIUTF

He cogged it off Lord of the rings.

He’s some fucking chancer

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Christ that was the moment of 2020. That’ll end RITY 2020

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Check the sell by date

You’ve lost me there…

The pubs opening as restaurants is going to be a bit of a farce.

Can they just serve alcohol and what will the opening hours be?

It’s a joke when you can’t to a beach on Monday but can go to a pub in two weeks time. It’s makes zero sense.

What would you need to go to a beach for on Monday?

Clear the head. I love the sea side.

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Plenty of other places to go and get some fresh air, pal.

You can wait until the 29th for the beach then.

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Some people have been unwilling to make sacrifices since the start of this.


The virus is now in submission, some of our liberties are slowly returning in the near future.

Now is a time for optimism, hope with a healthy dose of caution. We’re not there yet but we’re getting there.

Either way it makes no sense for both to be reopened at the same time. The chances of picking it up in a pub compared to a beach are surely chalk and cheese.

Simon Harris will appear on some media platform today with his sleeves rolled up claiming he has saved 10 million lives.


Hard to say.

They’ve been very vague on pubs yet. I’d probably be more wary of picking it up on a crowded beach on a sweltering day than a restaurant practising strict social distancing and hygiene rules.

Irish people are whores for the sun, stripping down in public at the first sight and walking about like lobsters for the rest of the week.

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I’d take a chance on a beech but I’d be avoiding crowed ones.

He was doing consultancy work abroad as well? Incredible.