Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

If the weather is good, it’s going to be hard to find a beach that’s not crowded. Irish people flock to beaches like the living dead when the weather is good.

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Maybe where you are fulvio but you’ll always find one in Kerry :innocent:

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Yeah. Apparently he is an expert on all the Covids. 1 right through to 19.


Good one mate :smiley:

It’s great we can all smile about this now.

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Penneys to open on the 12th

Then we’ll truly see chaos

Yeah you’re right they should have a different day for every different thing to open to avoid anomalies like this.

No that’s not what I’m saying but opening outdoor stuff like beaches and pubs on the same day makes no sense. Either beaches and parks should have been open ages ago or pubs shouldn’t be opening so Soon.

Beaches and parks have been open though?


For certain luckily people that live close by.

You don’t live near a park?

The one I live near was closed again because too many people were there and social Distancing rules were broken.

Many people in the country side were still only allowed go 5km from their homes which might not bring them to the nearest shop. Now in three weeks you can pissed in a pubs. They are guessing.

You were always allowed go to the shops.

Now you’ve a whole county of parks to explore.

So you agree stuff like going to the pubs present the same risk as going to the beach?

No clearly not - as a result beaches have been open in the most part throughout the lockdown while pubs were not. Just because you couldn’t visit them didn’t mean others couldn’t.

We have to look to reopen society and take calculated risks along the way. There is no other reasonable choice.

Throwing in door stuff like going to pubs and going to beach does not make any sense. It’s complete guess work and they are merely saving face as the whole thing unravels before they get to pull the plug. The month of may was beautiful weather wise and people should have been out and about enjoying the countryside. It would have done wonders for the mental well being of the country. Not couped up in side or on top of each other in a packed Phoenix park.

I never saw more people out and about. They’d have been working or in school otherwise.


He thought people couldn’t go to the shops :smiley:

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No I never said that.

You’ve just made this up because I’ve you so wound up over murderpool. The government have made a balls of everything. They are blessed a few things fell their way and unlike most of the posters on here I’m not happy to just do better than England.

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