Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Frightening elderly people into the grave is all they have contributed

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Jennifer O’Connell spot on again in the wake of another pronouncement from the hapless Joe McHugh.

I’m not sure FG realise how much of a misstep that was from McHugh yesterday. Blended learning? They won’t get away with asking everybody to work and teach in September.


Obviously he made a balls of communicating it but I think his point was we won’t be social distancing in schools because IF we did they could only go back one day a week etc. It was meant to be a way of preparing people that schools will be going back full time and they won’t be social distancing

I’m confused, doesn’t McHugh want schools opened with kids attending 5 days a week?
Teachers unions not too happy??

Yes. I think he started his press conference saying guidelines say 2 metres and that would mean blended learning. Press conference was in the main about blended learning

Right at the end he mumbled blended learning wasn’t acceptable to him but that message didn’t get out

Totally. It hasn’t been a good pandemic for either McHugh or the Dept of Education.

It’s not the first time he’s made a pronouncement like this. It’s a baffling stance to take. If he’s trying to force NPHET’s hand then it’s just weird. As has been said, NPHET are there to advise and the government are there to govern. On the other hand, how does he think it’s helpful for parents to throw out this type of comment?

Is it possible that if the Dep of Ed say schools will open contrary to NPHET advice the unions will go bananas?

Maybe. But his can’t do attitude would be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Other countries’ schools are back 6+ weeks with no significant problems and this guy is coming out with throwaway comments every other week about why Irish schools can only be back at 20% capacity in another 3 months. The virus has been largely extinguished in the community and there’s ever increasing evidence that children aren’t vectors. It’s irksome. Instead of throwing his hands up and saying this is the way it will be, he should surely be empowering his department to roll out measures to get the capacity as high as possible.

@Rocko on the political point - isn’t this the theory actually happening? The government get a bounce at the start of a crisis. Deliver the speeches in front of the flag, announce the emergency response, public rallies behind them etc etc. Then the crisis peak passes and people start to scrutinise things and how it impacted them or will affect them in the future. I dare say McHugh’s utterances are pissing people off alright.


I’m still lost, McHugh has said that he wants all schools back fully populated in September, why not make that the goal and see how the cards falll,
What exactly is your issue with yesterday’s announcement?

I think @bandage doesn’t get it

McHugh said social distancing wont work in schools so they need to find a way around it

On another note, if the pandemic has caused you to examine career choices or affected your employment then surely it’s an opportunity to set up your own Health & Safety consultancy. These lads will be raking it in. Wandering around offices with checklists to make sure your business is compliant before an official inspection.

Had a work call this week about this Back to Work Protocol thingy. There’ll be a COVID-19 compliance officer. Everyone will do an online course before returning to the office. Meeting rooms will be locked as they would encourage larger groups to congregate. A designated COVID-19 room will be set up where people must enter if they display symptoms. There will then be one single designated route for them to depart the building from the COVID-19 room. The room and exit route will be deep cleaned if anyone is turfed out of the building with symptoms. Kitchen will be 1 person max capacity. Separate door in and out. All surfaces will be wiped down after use. You can take your mask off at your desk but must wear it otherwise. There’s so much more. Oh my days. It’s mad.

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The unions are going to go bananas one way or another. This is the very time to take on the teacher unions given that the general population has been teaching their own little darlings for 3 months

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Nobody is thinking of all the @Batigol type kids who hated school and are loving this lockdown

Is sneezing onto your monitor a sackable offense?

I’m lost that you’re lost. It’s not a complex article.

Isnt the next Public sector pay deal up for discussion next year?

Here, have you never talked to anyone about a body of work before? It’s a consultancy wizard trick

  1. Outline and magnify all the problems
  2. Dampen expectations, outline and magnify all potential unforeseen circumstances
  3. Only ever speak in worst case
  4. At all times reduce scope of expected outcome
  5. Say it will take 20% longer than you really think it will
  6. When you get it done 20% earlier say how great a job you’ve done and how collaboration made it possible.
  7. Leave your business card

My confusion stems from my respect for your cop on, you appear to be following JOC blindly into battle here when she clearly has taken the minister up all wring,
McHugh is planning on doing everything she seems to think he’s not, that’s what he said yesterday

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