Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Had a similar meeting the other day. It’s absolutely bonkers stuff. I didnt realise how many people are still in absolute fear of the virus.

Yep, seems to be the FG approach to parts of this pandemic from the outset. Under promise and over deliver or, in this case, set out worst case and scaremonger a bit and hope to receive acclaim if it’s not as bad as that. He’s basically following your approach there but pretty sure McHugh coming out for what, the third time in two weeks, to say your child might only be back to school 1 day per week will play well with parents who are already under severe pressure.

It’s what happens when you get all your news from one source.

I genuinely think he might be a bit of simpleton. What was his actual quote though?

Herself and bandage aren’t the only people to take him up wrong though. Almost every media outlet and person I’ve spoken to since yesterday is focusing on the one day a week thing. At the very least he communicated what should have been a clear message very badly.

Yep. But I’m in no doubt that we’ll be cut again before the end of the year and I’ve no issue with that if the recession is as bad as projected and it’s done in a fair and equitable manner and not like when the teachers threw the newbies under the bus last time out


I thought all public sector reduced new entrants pay back then? Hospital doctors the lot?

My better half was talking to a friend of hers the other day. The husband works in essential services, so he has to go into work. She is WFH and trying to home school, two kids

The poor woman is on the verge of breakdown

She sounds like me, lucky i have the 10ks to keep me sane. :expressionless:

I actually don’t know what we’ll do if I’m at work and the kids are at home, we’ll be fucked.

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This article seems to capture a bit better what’s going on.

It seems the Dept plan to reopen schools fully in Sep because to do otherwise isn’t a runner.

Yesterday’s thing was a total botched communication job.

The unions are pushing back saying any deviation from public health advice would be “unacceptable”

It’s hard when you don’t have family close to share the burden. The broken childcare system here creaks by because grandparents and uncles and aunts take responsibility. If that goes the whole shit show unravels. There is a huge dependency on schools to alleviate the burden too. Very few can afford full time child care for a kid, a mortgage, keeping two cars on the road.

It’ll make more sense to go back to one parent working families, financially at least.

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I’d say a cut is extremely unlikely and not warranted. Increases may be deferred or diminished but if it’s a FF/FG/Green gov I’d say even that’s unlikely

There are many teachers trying to juggle both aswell. Teachers want to be in school.


I think they just won’t give the last restoration payment due on current deal in September

It’s a very tough station. Trying to run a household, educate your own and other peoples kids. You’ve to deal with parents who have anxiety from similar issues.

I can imagine an article like that will lead to multiple what the fuck is happening conversations between parents and teachers.

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I’d imagine they will. Cert apparently.

Gas… Just when about to get last bit back, it will all disappear again and back to square one by this time next year… :see_no_evil:
There will be a rake of retirements too… People won’t have stomach for what’s coming.

Utterly sensible from whatever teacher this is

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Very good alright. It’s all those measures (and others) in the 7th-9th tweet that the department should be rolling out. That and getting buy in from the unions. Not McHugh having a weekly press conference where he’s at best riffing away on the topic, making pronouncements that are causing annoyance and stress to everyone involved or at worst using children and parents as pawns to send public messages to NPHET.

McHugh is phoning it in. He doesn’t care as he won’t be the minister next week.