Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Again though.

I don’t know the recovery rate (which I stated) in my post. You posted a misleading graph to include theirs. I said that was a limitation on analysing the similarities.

I said I didn’t know ICU capacity there, another limitation.

Again, I did not say that we should follow them, I just said on the key stats we have we are equal or ahead of them and they are talking about Easter.

I am debating completely honestly. I have never posted anything on this topic other than with complete honesty, this is far too serious a topic for dishonesty.

Not knowing ICU capacity is a major limitation.
Us not knowing our recovery rate is a major limitation.

Not knowing their testing strategy is a major limitation.

Those graphs were posted from official data

Without knowing those key metrics I wouldn’t be following Denmark

Hence why I said it.

Did you not try find out what their ICU capacity is or what their testing strategy was.

Otherwise, what exactly was your point?

I posted two graphical representations of the data from England and Wales earlier in the thread. That would be a fairly good yardstick in lieu of an Irish dataset.

The same lads screaming in April for the lockdown to continue will be screaming in December for someone to bring them a few chops and a bag of spuds.


Once the food supply starts to struggle we will see how many lock down heroes we have.

You’re conveniently skipping over Paris, Madrid and Bergamo. That’s what no restrictions looks like.

A percentage of relatively young and healthy people are dying from this thing also.

Conveniently skipping over little things like reality is a hallmark of that lad’s dogmatic ideology.

They went into lock down too late Esteban. Everyone can agree on that.


This said 6.7 vs 6.5 for the Danes (which is marginal) but is outdated. I think given the up scaling of activities all over and focusing on respiratory that this is really difficult to compare. I see this as uncertain but is one that our

And yes the Danes testing strategy was actually stricter than us, who tested a broader spectrum but they are now broadening it. They have/had less tests per head as I posted.

My mere point, that you still seem to be arguing, is me saying that given that they are considering it than why not us? That said we are clearly considering it all the time behind the scenes- I was merely putting a peer country and their outlook on this.

When will this happen?

Because without the filling in of the limitations in your thesis you could have just said, Denmark are thinking of lifting restrictions at Easter and left it at that.

I still think the variance in testing strategies make it almost impossible to do joined up thinking on exit strategies. That in itself is going to be a huge problem


I made a comparison in terms of most metrics. The real limitation is recoveries, which our health service have but have not released (which you posted incorrectly in a graph above).

Capacity is once again, up in the air. That’s down to the health service.

Every other KPI is equal, so it’s worth discussing. Not sweep sweeping because there’s a few lads who bizarrely put a hierarchy of concern over this crisis over others. This is public policy related, it is worth discussion.

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When should Italy, Spain and France have taken more aggressive measures and based on what data?

I’m discussing it and you’re trying to shut me down. Do you think our people aren’t actively looking for the earliest possible exit strategy?

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Again that has no relevance to my post

Well you asked why I brought it up, I gave the reasons.

Do you think our people aren’t looking for the earliest possible exit strategy?