Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You said Italy, Spain and France are seeing their tragedies unfold due to no restrictions, “that’s what no restrictions looks like”.

Italy was the first country in Europe to impose restrictions. When do you think they should have imposed restrictions, based on what data, for it to make any difference?

Are you genuinely referencing Italy in this discussion? According to Italy’s own national health authority in mid-March, more than 99% of the coronavirus deaths there were people who had previous medical conditions. 84% of the deaths to-date are in the 70+ age bracket, and 50% are in the 80+ bracket. How in the name of fuck are you meant to protect already sick 80 something-year-olds by locking down an entire country? It’s akin to pissing into the wind. Try @Thomas_Brady’s tongue-in-cheek suggestion of using the lagging jacket from your hot water cylinder if it makes you feel better.

As for your “percentage of relatively young and healthy people dying”, the percentage of deaths in the under 40 bracket is 0% and a whopping 1% in the under 50. And that’s using the flawed reporting of the percentages as referenced in the Spectator article by Dr. John Lee.

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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. A lot of people will start killing themselves over a prolonged period of lockdown. Look at Italy. There’s no bloody Videos of lads singing opera and playing the guitar on balconies now every day. There are inside in the flat with their head in their hands. I can see a few lads on here like that already. And ye are allowed out as much as ye want


Should they be let just die in the streets

Easy spot the lads who would fold under interrogation.


Fold under the first question

Imo there’s still a huge stigma in Ireland regarding mental health. It’s really good to cry but you’d rarely hear an Irish man say that. That’s why we are ignoring an issue. I’m terrified by the thoughts of it being honest.

Leave them in a cell for an hour by themselves and they’d be ready to sing like a canary once you bring them out.

Like 80% of the RA leadership?

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The beginning of this thread says to lift restrictions and “end the experiment”.

Do you not think that’s wrong?

Harold Shipman aka @ironmoth should tell us what the models tell us for projected numbers of dead in a lockdown situation versus models for projected numbers of dead in a do nothing situation.

He won’t do that though.


Why can’t you answer the question I asked you, rather than asking a different question?

You are doing exactly what you are (wrongly) accusing Tim of doing.

I’m not. This thread advocates a no restriction policy. My point was relevant.

You’re asking a loaded question.

No, but you should.

In Italy in the latter part of 2019 (i.e. before the “epidemic”) the waiting lists for hospital appointments often stretched out for months, which tells me that the whole system was heavily stressed, completely overburdened, and short-staffed. You want to keep Ireland on lock down because old, already sick people, are dying in a country with a health system that was on its knees before anyone had heard of Covid 19. Don’t let facts conveniently get in the way of a good scream.

I wonder are there lads in Denmark and the likes discussing Ireland on some Internet forum???


I gave a passing patrol car the finger today. Felt great.

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So long, you freak

Facts that suit your narrative are not facts that everyone should believe.

Dying Doctors & Nurses.
Dying teenagers & middle aged people.

But they have socialized health care! Isn’t that what everyone needs?