Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

A Polish lad won a Tipp minor medal with Roscrea a couple of years ago

Yerra fuck, we had Paddy Ruschitzko captaining Laois in An All Ireland Hurling Final in 1949.

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I don’t think the GAA has a racism problem anymore. Players and spectators just wouldn’t put up with it and rightfully so. That’s not to say the likes Sean og, Joey Cunningham, Jason Sherlock didn’t suffer badly in the past

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We have 2 lads playing with us of African heritage. I can never recall a racist incident involving the 2 of them on a GAA field.

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Chain everyone under their bed for 3 weeks then the virus will die

Giving this thread, which was started almost 6 months ago, a bump for my good pal @Tank.

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My aul boy has an underlying condition, severe bronchitis over the winter, he only got clear of it around March this year. He’d never let me home to Monaghan so long as Dublin is locked down. He’s gone in to Monaghan town twice all summer.

I messaged him last night admitting it to my new OIUTF inclination and saying I’d have a mind to just fuck off to Poland. He’s after sending me this very long formal text, “While I appreciate your frustration the advice is to avoid all non-essential travel out of Dublin, including to foreign countries. In the long run this will all be for the best.”

He’s not going to be happy when I tell him I’ve already booked it.


Does your aul lad engage a PR company to write his texts. He’s been very firm but fair.


He’ll be delighted, he just doesn’t want you near Monaghan. If you can’t make that out from his message I can see why.

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How has your auld lad survived through recent flu seasons, especially years with an ineffective flu vaccine?

I’d take issue with the “advisors”; they seem content to cripple the elderly with fear and have them isolated alone in backward shitholes like Monaghan, while their kids fuck off abroad to quite rightly enjoy life by interacting with other human beings.

Latest graphs out of the UK paint a very different picture

Here’s the plot of the number of cases since March. You can clearly see a rise, but it’s unclear from this graph alone what the cause is.

The cases are on the rise, but hospitalisations have flat-lined.

And all this against a backdrop of huge increases in testing.

So, when the media et al talk about spikes in cases, what they actually are referring to is spikes in testing.

The game is up, but they’re milking it for all it’s worth. As I pointed out here many months ago, when Governments are granted additional powers, they are generally very slow to relinquish them.


It’s all about power. There was a lad here slagging off people on social media, saying that they will oppose any restriction of their civil liberties, as if that was somehow irrational or a bad thing but my opinion has changed so much that I they’re right to be like that because the government will never stop. There’s no line that the government won’t cross.

One point thing though - you’re saying that it’s all testing and undoubtedly that’s been a huge factor. They actually recognise that themselves which is why their solution for the schools was simply dont test in the schools. There has however been a doubling of numbers in ICU in the past week from 6 or 7 to 17, after that number being steady for weeks. That small ncrease coincides with the schools opening and it’s exactly what was expected when the schools opened.

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What additional powers have they been granted?

They’re running at a deficit propping up wages from sectors for the last few months.

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Are any of those icu cases to do with schools transmissions though? Schools have been open for 3 weeks or less. For transmission to occur in schools and then those kids / teachers to transmit again and then those cases to show symptoms and then to disprove to hospitalization and then further to icu is highly unlikely.

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Communion/Confirmation season has been a greater contributor than the schools themselves


Youre right that I dont have direct evidence other than coincidental evidence.

When this all started first back in March, and I swear this is true, the Irish government were saying when they closed the schools that international experience showed that a huge number of transmissions were in schools and then diseases got into households. Do you remember that all? People being told to make sure and keep their kids inside? Young people saying that their section of society had been demonised?

‘Super spreaders’ was the catchy phrase they used.

I couldn’t believe those parishes bringing forward the communions to Friday to avoid the Dublin lockdown. And RTE celebrating like it was a great thing.

I don’t remember that exactly but I definitely remember kids being described as superspreaders and various references to kids killing their grandparents. Particularly with reference to Italy.
Then there were a host of ‘studies’ saying there was very little evidence to show that kids got it at all/much and were unlikely to spread it.
What we have consistently been told though is that due to the exponential growth of it, that by the time people start showing up in icus then that damage was done many weeks ago. The rise in cases now is from our actions in August. We will still see a further rise surely based on the exponential growth of those cases and their further transmission anyway.
I actually think keeping schools open is key to us lessening contacts. When kids are in school they and their families settle into consistent routines which involve less contacts in general and way less random contacts. Theres fuck all kids playing out on the roads/fields throughout the winter.


I believe kids were called vectors in the early days.

This is a novel virus. New things are being discovered. Plans change. Its fluid.

The media are reporting things with absolute certainty where there is none. I think that’s a big part of the problem