Why though if all the vulnerable are vacinnated?
Except in Texas or Mississippi
How many more times are you gonna ask that?
What have fatality levels been like in these States?
No idea. I’d imagine it’s shot up since they reopened?
I don’t know, I just thought you said they opened up successfully and was curious how they achieved it. Didn’t Biden call the Texas governor a neanerthal?
Well I’d define successfully opening up as opening up and the virus not spreading further. If the cases are the same before and after opening then it would, to me anyway, make everything being closed seem pointless.
No idea re Biden.
So you don’t care if fatlaity rates go through the roof?
I’ve no idea how you got that from my post. Of course I care. Have they shot up after reopening? Is there a difference in fatality rates between states that had long lockdowns and ones that had short/no lockdowns?
Mississippi is #5 and Texas #24 in terms of deaths per capita. Texas is a good one to study as they ended their stay at home (lockdown) in April 2020, further evidence that lockdowns do fuck all. If you look at the US in detail state by state you will see that states that never had a lockdown or states that ended their lockdown in April/May and went to sensible restrictions have done no worse than and in many cases better than states that stayed in lockdown.
Mike doesn’t answer questions that extend beyond left wing good right wing bad.
Still contradicting yourself. They’re not lockdowns. Lockdowns work if done correctly. Scandinavia is proof. New Zealand and Australia are proof. Brazil the US and UK are the other side of the coin where the virus was/is given free rein.
You keep saying OIUTF which leads to higher fatalities. You listed Texas and Mississippi as being examples of successful reopening. Turns out Mississippi has enormous fatalities. Hardly successful.
What do you mean by the UK mike? They’ve had lots of lockdowns. Or do you mean that only countries that closed borders have had lockdowns and all of the restrictions and hardships that people have been through here and other places have been a cod as you put it the other day?
She’s nodding the head like Mary Robinson there.
Free rein? You are an utter moron.
Has the fatality rate gone up since they opened? What about all the places with higher fatality rates that locked down?
Countries that have right wing governments bad, countries that have left wing governments good.
Don’t overthink it.
Thank our lucky stars Sweden and Florida showed the lockdown fanatics for what they are.