Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You said they were successful. I asked about their fatality rates and you said you didn’t know. Fatalities obviously don’t impact your definition of success.

While most of the world were bringing in restrictions the UK were enjoying packed houses at Cheltenham and Twickenham. They allowed the virus free rein and by the time they changed course it was too late. They had a few half arsed lockdowns. @Tierneevin1979 is confused when he says the UK or Ireland had lockdowns. Borders were open for anyone to waltz in. The restrcitions brought in here while half arsed did have an impact in lowering fatalities. There would have been absolute carnage if we OIUTF, we got a glimpse of that in January.

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Jaysus mike. You’re one of my dearest friends but you’re having an ‘it’s only a flesh wound’ moment here. Stay down. Ffs stay down.


Likewise pal, but @mikehunt is correct. There have been restrictions imposed but a proper lockdown has never been implemented either up here or down there. In fact real lockdowns have only been imposed in very few countries - those which generally have a compliant population and an authoritarian bent.
I recognise that it is that very authoritarianism that scares many people and I’d be very wary of it myself. But what has been done throughout the British Isles comes nowhere near authoritarianism.

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Denmark speeds up reopening as cases stabilise

Denmark today advanced its reopening plan on the back of stable infection rates, allowing indoor serving at restaurants and bars and some football fans to cheer from the stands from 21 April, weeks earlier than originally planned.

Denmark has avoided a third wave of the Covid-19 epidemic after imposing wide lockdown measures in December, which slowed the epidemic considerably to between 500-700 daily infections from several thousands in December.

As part of the deal agreed by the government and most of parliament, the limit on outdoor public gatherings will also be raised from ten to 50 on 21 April.

Denmark had 798 cases yesterday (more than double Ireland) and are planning to reopen their country months in advance of Ireland.

Denmark doesn’t have the egomaniacs of NPHET or conehead Donnelly.


Phew, imagine where we’d be without it

You stupid cunt?

So am I right in saying effectively nothing is changing with the pubs down south from Friday?

Still need your vaccine cert, no bar service and you have to sit at tables?

Later opening. The live music one is the main sticking point now.

That’s all that’s changed?

Closing times?

Who would be arsed going into a glorified restaurant to drink pints?

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You can dance without a mask.

Tis fairly lax mate

I’d say I’ve only been to the pub 10 times in the last 18 months

In the likes of Dublin with Sid and his woke nutjobs going ballistic all over Twitter snitching?

They are like a cult. Next they will be shouting “Shame” at anyone going or coming out of a pub and throwing holy water on those heathens going in and out of nightclubs.


There was a hysterical man on Joe Duffy yesterday castigating the owners of clubs for not caring about people dying and only caring about their own profits.

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