Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I am all for public safety but it is 18 months. People need to start living again before they all crack up. Moving into long evenings again. People need an outlet.

I, for one, dont care if a pub asks for vaccine certs. If your pub doesn’t, and you are bothered by this, go to a different pub



That’s good advice if your not comfortable with a premises take your business elsewhere. Good advice for everything not just covid. You wouldn’t eat somewhere you think is filthy

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Fine for you mate but people in general need to mix and meet others. I certainly do.

People said the same last year and it resulted in a much longer lockdown.

Cold, hard reality doesn’t care about feelings.

again, there are pubs within a 20km radius of me that don’t care about restrictions and there are those that are.

I’m vaccinated. I will quite happily sit and have a pint with someone who isn’t.

You can choose whether to go to the pub or not and what type of pub you go to. Same as you can choose whether to get vaccinated or not. You can also choose whether or not to get outraged by all of this.

Of course the media are going to be reporting on this. The permanently outraged would sicken your shit.


Major difference this year is vaccination rate.

You better tell the UN that pal

Where does the UN say influencing people via passports are a legitimate public policy? They say they don’t recommend them, require them if staff or for entry to premises

Anybody know what I need to travel to the uk this week and return home ? Documentation wise. Thanks very much.

Nothing. Apart from passport

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Nothing really.

Im actually in the UK this weekend and didnt even need to show my passport once i landed on the mainland.

A proper ship Boris is running over here.


Great stuff

How are they all in Clonmel?

Paddy dropped that PLF shite and vaccines stuff last week, its like the old days. It’s all about putting a Ukraine flag on your social media profile and pretending to be outraged about Russia. Covid is done


China are back locking down.

I’d say we’ll be locked down again in November as the winter surge arrives.

Enjoy the pints !

The lads who were criticising immigrants who were not vaccinated are now the lads who want to take them into their homes. Ferris Bueller was right about life moving pretty fast


Immigrants who look like us are a better class of immigrant.


There’s more important things than Covid, I don’t know what the point is, who exactly was criticising unvaccinated immigrants? And if they were then doesn’t this trump those concerns, basic humanity

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