Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

There’s new radio ads telling you to take your business elsewhere if you don’t like the compliance in a place…

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That’s debatable

A nation of rats.


Was it Pat Kenny that called in?

I had a good go at the fella responsible

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There was a Belfast cinema owner on the wireless a couple of weeks ago. He told all the handwringers that they could safely socially distance in his cinema…they were free to book all the seats within a metre of their own…he wouldn’t have a problem


Pat Kenny doing a piece on the covid cert sent a reporter out to see if the covid cert is being asked for. Kenny is some cunt.


That sort of entrapment journalism is despicable.

94 per cent of the population have vaccine certs.

A spot check system which “encourages” non vaccinated to get vaccinated is probably a legitimate public policy but asking small businesses to enforce a check on every customer is silly when I can walk into any major supermarket or shop without any such check.


Public floggings for all minimum wage employees found not looking for COVID certs, who’ve had the decency to get off their arses and the pup and get back into the economic cycle. That cuntbitch in Cork should be the one doing the flogging.


Claire Byrne show up to the same shit.


A nation of wankers


Going to be a massive urban rural divide on these checks. In rural bars no checks taking place, ordering at the bar while in the city’s checks are taking place.

Outside of dublin, Galway, Cork and other big towns this is not and won’t be enforced or enforceable for the guards.

It will probably lead to people avoiding bars that enforce the rules. The penny might drop with them locations that the 55 year olds screaming on Joe Duffy don’t pay the bills.

It’s actually very far from legitimate. It actually is a human rights abuse as recognised by the United Nations

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Rural bars are in for a bonanza. Going to clean up.

They’ll do that bit better alright.

The rules are not enforceable after 5 pints and I think will be a thing of the last in a couple of months time in the majority of urban spots also.

On Pat Kenny this morning you could hear the difference between urban and rural, urban folks were all saying yeah the covid cert is grand no problem with it where as the rural folks were saying it was a load of bollox and they don’t give a shit if premises are checking for it or not. :slight_smile:

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Ive never been asked for the cert in a rural bar and everyone can order drinks at the bar. Back to normal.

I was in a rural pub at the weekend and it was 11pm before they made the draw for the darts tournament :smiley:

Was nearly 1am before the place was empty.


We’re screwed, basically.