Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Say it for what it is- coerce and discriminate

@backinatracksuit was one of the chief cheerleaders for discrimination from what I can remember.

He is the virtue signallers, virtue signaller.

In fairness to you Mike. You just wanted to lie under the bed and avoid doing a days work.


What the fuck is this clown on about now :joy:

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A pure cod.

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all those apes telling everyone covid was WW3 level event, put on a mask or you’ll murder you grandparents, get the cod vaccine, fuck off you cunts, gas the way it suddenly disappeared in Feb 2022


Again, missing the point. I’m not arguing one way or the other.

I’ve always seen the state’s infringement on my freedoms as a serious issue. That has not deviated since day one.


It disappeared the minute society reopened. Hardly a coincidence.

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Sure Holohan, Luke O’Neill and co. were egging them on.

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Or the minute the war in Ukraine started. Only a couple of weeks in the difference. February 2022 more or less.

To be fair, given the Ukrainians stance on the covid vaccines - it would have been embarassing if they werent allowed to eat or drink here in restaurants etc after fleeing tyranny.

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The powers that be decided that people’s lives took priority over others right to have a pint in a public house. Most viewed it as a short term minor inconvenience for the sake of the greater good. They have since been proven right.

This is gas. Fergal (basically nphet) getting absolute dogs abuse from the under the bed crew and the covid is a cod crew equally. 2 of the 3 sides are wrong. Will the definitive unbiased account ever be written?

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Slate the bollix, a RTE propagandist. “Fearless” :rofl: he took coin from the likes of Pfizer

That little prick wrote an article this morning looking to bring back face muzzles on public transport, the absolute audacity of him

“Crisis” has entered the media lexicon since Covid. And they ain’t letting it go.

The fact they never asked or queried the numbers in hospital “with Covid” and it transpired half or more were there for another reason. There was an agreed editorial agenda. I can sort of understand why but they’ll never admit it.


It’s THE most serious issue. A terrible precedent has been set by this.


With or of, covid.

I find it hard to understand how that was never reported.

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It was a case of not trusting the public to deal with a nuance. That’s fascism.


Imagine the mentality of cunts who wanted bars closed because they were afraid to go for a pint so nobody else should be allowed.