Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Absolutely. Well said.

You must never trust the ordinary citizen to make their own decision, take responsibly for their actions. The state knows best.

all down the years did people need to get a booster of the normal flu jab every 3 months,?? what a fucking cod this covid vaccine is, and there’s still apes lapping it up, pumping that shit into themselves as fast as they can because of the likes of Holohan and Fergal Bowers tells them to


Medics have a God complex. And that’s fine. But politicians and the media ceded control to them

The psychology of how people behave is fascinating. You can make a herd of people literally do anything by applying a level of fear and then social opprobrium for stepping outside the herd. The Catholic Church are the masters of it until eventually education means that eternal damnation for a technical breach of some rule is self evidently nonsense.

Brexit, trump, Covid all leveraged it. The Catholic Church for many years in this country.

Social media is scary though as it exponentially increases the velocity of control so what may have take months and years can be achieved in weeks.

I’d say social media is the biggest threat to democracy we’ve faced.

I’ll accept the Covid measures were done to protect us and in good conscience and to save lives. But you’re naive to think people with more sinister ideas haven’t noticed their effectiveness at subduing dissent in a population.


Even the CEO of Pfizer admits the protection only lasts a few months (also a lie), laughing all the way to the bank.

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Social media gives a voice to lunatics that would be institutionalized when society was sane.

look at the left wing and right wing tools that spend every waking hour on Twitter, the world is fucked


If you ever think you wouldn’t do anything evil under even mild corruption, read Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning. It doesn’t take a lot to convince man to turn on his fellow man


Anthony Fauci earns more than the president of the United states, he is up to his neck in cahoots with the likes pf Pfizer, the covid nutcases don’t see any issues there

you only have to go back 2 years and a mild crisis, you had curtain twitchers calling the guards because the neighbour went for a walk more than once a day ffs

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Absolutely. The two books by Julia Boyd about Germany in the 1920s and 1930s are brilliant too in describing how people go with the flow to make their own lives easier and very few believed the ideology but went along with it regardless.

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The investment portfolios of politicians worldwide should be inspected to see who has money in big pharma.

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The classic boiling frog scenario

Travellers in the 3rd Reich was a great book

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That drip Eilish O’Regan has been back pumping out fear articles for the last few weeks

Fuck it. Ill say it.

Myself and a number of posters here told you so, knoee deep in the shite, it was a fucking cod.

A highly infections airborne virus that didnt transmitted during the BLM riots as it was a vitrue signalling virus.

Couldnt make it up


The state imposed restrictions on the movement of individuals, on social gatherings, and pretty much confined people to their homes. It restricted our freedom of assembly and restricted our movements. It impinged on property rights and the right to earn a living. Simplifying it to ‘life vs pint’ is gratuitously insulting.

They have not been proven right. You were told ad nauseum that lockdowns were not the panacea, but you seemed debilitated in fear and preferred a more simplistic view. That’s ok too, but your fear doesn’t justify an infringement on my freedoms.


Another big day of it for the lads

Let them at it. The trick is to get up before the LIDTF brigade and lob a hand grenade. You can then go off and make a few bob for the day, safe in the knowledge they’ll be like sheep in a heap.

You’ve ruined their day. The lads won’t be able to enjoy the little all Ireland now

It was scandalous that your freedom to head for a pint was set aside for a few weeks so that the elderly could live for a few more years. Hopefully Amnesty take up your case.

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