Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I am doing the opposite. This was highlighted on this very website.

52% increase in cancer diagnosis vs 2019. That is not good at all.

Don’t blame the messenger. That is a distatrious number if accurate. Its going to affect nearly everyone.

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So drunk you can’t even remember what you’ve posted.

What post was that in particular?

Raving drunk. Wishing cancer on people. I’d like to say I’m surprised but, I’m really not.

Hope your hangover isn’t too bad come morning.

Look, I know you’re an internet troll and a fucking real life deviant.

Leave it all out.

You could make it up alright. It is a scandal.

You’re wishing cancer on me and my family and I’m the troll?

By god. Sleep it off like a good lad.