Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

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Some quibbles over the translation but seems in line

I thought after Xi’s re-election that they’d change course….

Peter Pandemic
101 Variations

Etc etc


You would be slightly concerned given the Chinese are the ones who created it

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Piece on the radio this morning about an incoming “tsunami” of delayed cancer diagnosis due to pandemic restrictions

Surge in respiratory infections because kids didn’t pick up immunity due to lockdown

Irish examiner had a bit on that yesterday.


That was very predictable and was remarked on here a fair bit. Very tough for anybody concerned.


What are excess deaths running at currently? Record levels in Australia, five year highs in the uk, 17% in spain…spread across all ages. Strangely enough deaths usually drop after a pandemic. Must be delayed diagnoses or something


I’m only seeing now that Paul Reid has landed a nice little gig with EY. The company he gave €17m worth of work to during the pandemic.

You couldnt make this shit up.


Let’s see how many of these new EY roles will end up in the HSE…

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Paul Reid, director general of the HSE, and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris will collect the award on November 12th during a virtual ceremony

Lets hope there isnt too many missed diagnoses of cancer in your family, pal.

Don’t be afraid to the get the likes.

Fucking hell, there’s an extremely nasty undercurrent in that post. Given what so many of us have gone through here with cancer you should be particularly ashamed of yourself for that.

I hope your cancer doesnt eat you up, mate.

Another big night on the drink again eh. The bravery is up, going after the big dogs again.

I’m actually off the drink now for November at least. Thanks for asking though.

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Lying isn’t cool young man

Your deflection from unnecessary cancer deaths is as expected.


You bringing up cancer to score points on the internet says a lot about you as a man