Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Ah! That explains a lot. You’re 15 or 16 so.

Ssshhhh, quit interfering.

They haven’t been testing a lot.

Was chatting a bit about this earlier with the father-in-law-to-be, could we see a phased re-introduction of some places if they can pass a “covid test”. As an example he was on about setting up a putting green in his garden and we were talking about the local driving range near him - surely a driving range is something that would be fairly easy to introduce distancing and hygiene measures. It would be easier for some places than others, but it’ll have to be a phased thing rather than suddenly dropping all restrictions and letting us loose at the pubs anyway.



the thing about open one thing like driving ranges or golf courses, or beaches or whatever, if you relax the restrictions, everyone goes there and you get a clattering of people where you can’t implement the guidelines.

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Will we have a lock down here for a couple of weeks?

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Whenever things are being reopened, we’ll have to go all duck or no dinner.

There’s no point being in no man’s land with the odd place here or there open. People will flock wherever and it will cause further problems.

You’ll have to make a glory hole in the bedroom

They can reopen most work places without reopening things like Pubs, Restaurants, concerts, games etc

It would be far more difficult to put restrictions or control over people if you just open everything.

Like Cheltenham?

Imagine they reopened offices but not cafes or restaurants and you had to bring a packed lunch to work. We need a sensible and mature discussion about unintended consequences.


I think parks and churches and reduce travel restrictions some bit. That’ll change the mood of nation imo. Pubs and that sort of thing will be a few months before they are back.

Thanks for that.

It’s bad enough having to clean up after yourself while WFH and nobody from Bidvest Noonan Facilities Management to clean up after you making your ham and cheese toastie.

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I won’t lie I’ve found the last few days tough enough after nearly four weeks on my own but I genuinely think this morning there’s light at end of the tunnel coming in Ireland :pray: let’s all hope the curve stays flattened, no more people die and we can very slowly go back to our normal lives.