Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It’s important to hold you nerve and not panic. A lot of these lads are earning more at home than they would at work, that’s if they do any work. They would love for this to continue forever. Then there’s another more dangerous cohort, the dedicated socialists. They’d love to see it all burn down, and build it back up from the ashes. The bin men and delivery men would build it back up.


You won’t lose your job even though you are out of work and yet getting full salary. How many private sector workers that have been laid off are in the same situation as you? Answer = zero

Sure your lot have been burning it down for years and I haven’t heard so much as a whimper out of you.

It’s gas the way right-wing nut jobs go on about left-wing people wanting a revolution. There’s been a revolution going on for years all over the world and especially in America - one by the ultra corporate class and the backward looking social conservative freaks to pull the ladder right up after themselves and destroy the poor and minorities, and to destroy belief in reason, expertise, science, and indeed freedom. That revolution sure hasn’t been the doing of anybody on the “left”.

You genuinely think anybody who wants a national public healthcare system and fairer taxes and wealth distribution is a communist.

Anybody who believes that is beyond reason.

This thread would have been a hilarious echo chamber except that the views spouted in it by a number of posters have been genuinely Nazi-like. I mean you can’t get much more Nazi-like than imploring for a holocaust.

Some company, eh.

America is great because of people like you

I hope you and your family are well, mate, as I do everybody - even if some posters here fancy sacrificing mine for kicks.

Can’t say fairer than that.


Buddy, teachers are not out of work. Im working harder than ever prepping for online classes. Honestly, comments like this really grate on me.


Ive been saying it on here for weeks, some lads need to find zen. These are unprecedented times for this generation. Without zen they won’t make it.

I’d say it’s horrible truth be told.

Saying that, must be nice to talk to them and give feedback without little bollocks’ giving gip.

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Mate, you know nothing about what I do and that point isn’t at all relevant to what I sad,
But anyway, my wife is doing 50/60 hour weeks at the moment, often nights, I’ve 4 kids that I’m homeschooling or whatever you want to all it, we do take some days off, I’ve loads of work that I need to do that is school related, I nee to have individual contact with my pupils because my class is differentiated to the nth degree, It’d be a hell of a lot easier for me if this was over.
Now you or somebody will probably accuse me of whinging but I only say this because you appear to think that I’m sitting on my hole waiting for my (far from substantial) salary to pop into my account, I’m not whinging, I’m trying to see the positives of which there are many, I’m getting to spend loads of time with the kids and the dogs, I get out for a run everyday. I get to cook fresh meals and bake etc,
I understand that people will be affected fat worse than me in the long term, but I don’t accept that otherwise healthy people should be crying about mental health after a couple of weeks at home, they’re an accident waiting to hapoen


Irish society as we know and understand it will never be the same again after this, it will be a total reset

If theres any consolation in it, it’s the fact that it will be a global reset

do you think we’ll ever be able to shake hands again with someone, I can’t see it for at least 4 years

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Dunno kid. I just wonder will any good come out of this in terms of human spirit.




There’s no way Ireland should be like Italy. It’s a small island on the most westerly point of Europe.

Ireland has all the natural advantages that countries like Italy and Spain don’t, they had prior warning from the likes of Italy to guard against it.

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I fear “spit & shake” may be consigned to the history books.

I fear I’ll have to wear the full ppe gear and a coopers helmet before getting up on the wife

Fire away mike. Just no kissing. Be grand.

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What’s gone wrong in the UK? Pure arrogance and negligence? 10% death rate. They had the advantages you describe. Geographical and prior warning.

I’m all set

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