Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

What is the source fur the stats?

I’ve postponed for another few weeks, but anything can change

Ah for fucks sakes, thanks for the heads up and I after putting a new Battery in the Jetta and a fucking Tax Disc.

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There’s some other more recent studies which are broadly in line.

hardware stores and garden centres will be allowed reopen after weekend. A further restriction on exercise outside is possible I am told.

What is the source for that? I think it is a good idea to open those up and keep people busy. There was a huge queue outside Range in Limerick yesterday when I was in Dunnes for the weekly shop

Historians are generally idiots mind you

Nobody is doing another few months. Forget about that.

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It’s in the legislation re hardware stores and garden centres. They were added as essential services but asked not to open til after weekend.

The ban on exercise is being looked at because lads are taking the piss and wasting Garda resources.

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3 weeks bro.

Cycling needs to go

Cyclists you mean

Agreed, bro. End of April. I’m out after that.


How are lads taking the piss?

Irish times story rubbishing the Brits in West Cork anecdotes and verifying the Kilkee posters story.

are lawn mover repairs and that sort of thing open?

You’d have thought a fuckload of Brits in Cork wouldnt cause a stir anyway

Hate speech

People on bikes

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There was a fella on Yates yesterday and said there was an obvious influx of people into the county and holiday homes.