Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

We’re all suffering for Dublin here, that’s where all the numbers are … you see on the news they simply cant abide what’s asked — thousands have left for Kerry / Wexford and Clare this weekend.

But if we had done it properly at the start and kept it out of nursing homes, our numbers would be the envy of Europe.

You truly are the greatest simpleton on this site. Here are the worldwide statistics for mortality by age bracket:

0-9: No deaths, 10-39: 0.2%, 40-49: 0.4%, 50-59: 1.3%. Most of the younger people dying have underlying conditions, they just weren’t diagnosed. There are lots of obese younger people that have heart disease, early onset diabetes and high blood pressure.

Do you expect there should be no deaths?


What should have been done much earlier (easy in hindsight) was introduce strict measures to protect the old and vulnerable.

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Let it all out Mr Clowndick.

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You should stay off these COVID-19 threads mate, you’re making an absolute show of yourself.

It’s okay Mr Clowndick, shoulda coulda etc etc etc…

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That’s where we need to concentrate efforts now. There’s hundreds of nursing homes still unaffected…get them, and the elderly in society protected, and we’ll be able to start easing restrictions in 4 weeks.

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2 more weeks of restrictions

It will be post the May Bank holiday… they’ll keep it going until just after that.

The oirish times is saying 2 more weeks

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and then another 2, too late now now, the damage is done, I see unemployment is off the charts and a number of industry’s are devastated

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What time are you landing? I’ve the Cattle trailer hooked up to the Jetta. I’ve an armchair inside in the box too.

FG have fucked us. Sat back and let the thing in and then went into mass hysteria mode when the damage was done. Historians wont know whether to laugh or cry in years to come when looking back at the stupidity of it all.

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Could you imagine if this crowd had been in charge.

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In fairness they probably were all wearing balaclavas and sunglasses.

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Who, mourners at a funeral?

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I cannot see us open for May Bank Holiday. When you hit a peak with this thing you generally stay at that high number for a considerable time. There will announce another 2 weeks and they will do that another 4-6 times over the next few months.

They’ll try and get passed the bank holiday i’d say.


cc @Fagan_ODowd

You’re not allowed make balaclava jokes on this forum any more
