Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The Plank is some maneen

Did you hear him talking to the child and imitating the sound a woman makes while having a contraction???

No I didn’t I had to turn him off not long after Paul Williams came on the air. I’d say that was slightly surreal.

It was bizarre … some cork lady had given birth at home recently - interviewed her … then spoke to her older child, about 6 i’d say, of what she thought of it and when mammy starting going — oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwww



Pat is really scraping the bottom of the barrel these days. The lockdown must be getting to him.

You really hear the phrase “playing a blinder” a lot during this pandemic. Out of curiosity I looked up the etymology of the saying.

“Dating from the 1950s, blinder is a colloquial term for 'dazzlingly good piece of play ’ in sport, especially in rugby or cricket. Example 2001 Sun Gilles will start and I would just love him to play a blinder and score a couple of goals to knock Southampton out of the cup.”

You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.

Rahm Emanuel

This hack was on ABC News This Week in March advising US politicians to use the current crisis as a springboard to pass a raft of policy changes while people are too scared to see what’s happening.

it will be like 1930’s Ireland people will return to when the lockdown ends next Christmas

You’re not getting it pal. Irish people have reflected on what’s important to them, they dont care about the economy anymore. English people are very busy but busy doing what? You’ve a cult of productivity.

6 weeks ago today, Tony Holohan announced that the coronavirus pandemic had come to Ireland. Thankfully, I don’t know anyone that has tested positive for the disease. Unfortunately, I do know a lot of people that are out of work.

How are the rest of you holding up?


I don’t mind the concept of a lockdown, but one with a proper testing and tracing regime in place as opposed to what we have now. They’re treating us like mugs and it’s disrespectful bruv.

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I’m contemplating applying for a job in aldi

Yeah but that’s because you’re a useless layabout.

Mick is great at staying at home doing nothing. Who would have thunk it?

I’ll sit on my hole for the next couple of weeks but unless I hear an exit plan in the next week I’m going to go buck ape, literally licking windows. We need answers. Not poems. Fuck this fucking cunting shit.


If you don’t have a proper testing and tracing regime you have no option but lockdown. South Korea hasn’t had a lockdown but has an extremely comprehensive testing and tracing regime.

We’ve been stitched up.

The fact that ICU hasn’t gone into meltdown yet means we’re doing the right thing. It’s the new normal. Keep her lit and we’ll be supping (in controlled scenario) by June banker


Tony has been keeping a close eye on this since January.