Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

They also have a population that will generally comply with guidelines and won’t flock to pubs in their thousands as soon as the doors open.

We’re a shower of fucking animals, by and large

There are a load of lads here who literally don’t understand that as soon as you end the lockdown the virus almost certainly pops straight back up.

There was a model done by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine last week which I quoted at the time and it estimated that up to 73% of the rest of 2020 and 2021 would have to see restrictions on movement if the UK didn’t want a death toll of 220k or more.

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The Koreans have serious drink issues.

They just don’t go on about it.

My wording was imprecise. I don’t mind a lockdown if it’s to get the proper t&t regime in place. But these lads are just going 2+2+3…+ what next? I don’t have any faith in them to get it right and I think they’re being evasive and disingenuous when questioned. So I expect it’ll be more Heaney and Scrubs quotes in 3 weeks and another 2-3 weeks. Rinse and repeat.


Ireland doesn’t have the state capacity or the laws to run a South Korea style regime. The problem was they pretended they were going the South Korea route when they were doing anything but.

To make that timeframe less restrictive you need to have in place top class testing and contact tracing. You need a one day lag at most in test to results and you need the people doing contact tracing to get any possible contacts of that person in isolation, as soon as possible.

We are a very long way from that. We only know what the last 7-14 days look like, based on anecdotal evidence. A huge backlog and apparently scaling back on tracing.

Which appears to me that they’ve decided restrictive are the way forward here.

They are scaling back on testing and tracing instead of ramping up. That means more measures for longer.

We can’t have proper testing with an unreliable test though. False positives. False negatives.

If You Have Coronavirus Symptoms, Assume You Have the Illness, Even if You Test Negative

They really do the dog on it.

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To my mind they are still pretending…it’s a tough market place, we have to remember it’s a global pandemic, there’s a problem with reagent or whatever the fuck it’s called, but we’ve signed a deal with a German lab, we’ll be doing 15k tests a day soon…

…All the while cunts are waiting 2 weeks to be tested and 3 weeks for results and there’s limited tracing.

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Could you imagine the reaction from the 5G truther crew if we did have South Korea style testing and tracing?

The bottleneck is in labs to process the tests. We had one lab at the start with plans to scale to two. I don’t know if that’s been achieved. But if one lab is struggling with 1 or 2k tests and creating a huge backlog, i don’t think we are realistically going to achieve a 15k rate per day.

The testing has been a huge failing

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They couldn’t cope with a law that allows guards to tell them to cop on and go home

And the same people say I’m too keen to call things fascist. :grinning:

As Seamus Heaney once said:

Requiem for the Croppies by Seamus Heaney

The pockets of our greatcoats full of barley…
No kitchens on the run, no striking camp…
We moved quick and sudden in our own country.
The priest lay behind ditches with the tramp.
A people hardly marching… on the hike…
We found new tactics happening each day:
We’d cut through reins and rider with the pike
And stampede cattle into infantry,
Then retreat through hedges where cavalry must be thrown.
Until… on Vinegar Hill… the final conclave.
Terraced thousands died, shaking scythes at cannon.
The hillside blushed, soaked in our broken wave.
They buried us without shroud or coffin
And in August… the barley grew up out of our grave.


I gave up listening to Leo. Is he still making a show of himself?

Before the first visitor comes the spring
Softening the sharp air of the coast
In time for the first ‘invasion’.
Today the place is as it might have been,
Gentle and almost hospitable. A girl
Strides past the Northern Counties Hotel,
Light-footed, swinging a book-bag,
And the doors that were shut all winter
Against the north wind and the sea mist
Lie open to the street, where one
By one the gulls go window-shopping
And an old wolfhound dozes in the sun.

While I sit with my paper and prawn chow mein
Under a framed photograph of Hong Kong
The proprietor of the Chinese restaurant
Stands at the door as if the world were young,
Watching the first yacht hoist a sail
— An ideogram on sea-cloud – and the light
Of heaven upon the mountains of Donegal;
And whistles a little tune, dreaming of home.

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Have they answered the backlog question yet?

Apparently the Brits have a false testing ratio of around 30%. Mainly because those who are testing are afraid that the testee will cough all over them, and thus end up taking bad samples.

If you see a diagram of where the swab has to come from, it’s gross, it’s literally in the centre of your head they take it from.

Few days to go but it’s interesting alright. What’s the endgame?

Park park wherever you may be…