Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Correct and all movement bar food/ medicinal has to be absolutely stopped end of, there’s cretinous ppl all over the gaff who don’t/ won’t use common sense,these need to be lawfully dealt with fines at a minimum,NZ are taking it seriously as are some other countries but we’re not great TBH,and FUCKING Harris and Leo letting in hundreds of Italians didn’t help, government mishandled this when they needed to step up ,of course the sheep won’t see this

T’would be far handier, and a lot more fun to wait for them to disembark and then pick them off with a sniper rifle

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no one has monkeys about this thing, its all guesswork.

That’s been a consistent observation for the past number of weeks. The media was explaining that at the start, but they have dispensed with it now. The hysterical posters that @Enrique referred to have an inability do anything other than screaming that “people are dying”. People die all the time. Do they stand outside hospitals and morgues, roaring for someone to “do something”? Univariate analysis of data is not helpful at a time like this.

I’m going to put a genuine question out here. Does anyone here have firsthand knowledge (i.e. knowledge through firsthand observation, as opposed to a belief based on what someone else has said) of someone with good baseline health that contracted Covid-19 and died?


Come on now, we’ve matured as a nation.

Lads who told us a few weeks ago that half a million would die in the UK, within a few days dropped the number to 20K if everyone would stay out of the pub for a few weeks.


is this thing even real? I don’t know one person who got it

You do realize there’s only a handful of actual people on here? and most of them live in basements so wouldn’t have first hand knowledge of anything.


I decided to postpone for a while, you can’t scratch your arse in Ireland now with out the guards hassling you or people giving you shit for going for a walk, thats no life


I’m sick of them saying next week is crucial this is going on 4 weeks now and they have been saying that since then. If the health experts have their way we will be in permanent lockdown as evidenced by Nolan on PT the other night.

I fully understand lives need to be protected but society’s well being at large needs to be a factor also. The way I see it is that this situation will continue indefinitely. Can’t believe I’m typing this but I see no other scenario at the moment. Lads here thinking the championship will be played and pubs opening are sadly delusional.


Lads will be going totally ape when DR Tony will explaining that the next 3 weeks is exceptionally crucial on the fifth of May as the lockdown is extended yet again


A nation?

Mobile phone data will be used to track people in Ireland soon, thats where this is gone over there.

The only sliothers that will get a puck this year are the ones you puck up against the back wall. That’s the reality I’m afraid. Having said all that this is a new situation not just for the ordinary Joe Soap on the street but for everyone. And if you ask me it’s the ones who would be considering to have a privileged upbringing that are the worst offenders.
Could I handle the rest of the year without moving. I think we all could if it guaranteed us a way out of this mess.
Interesting times


Easy to say, you’re high as a kite on morphine.


The nation is in a state of paralysis now, its awful to see. Ye’ll be going nowhere till Christmas, and even then there will be restrictions. This is not the way. Creating millions of mini nursing homes all over the country with the eldery under house arrest

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Well yeah. Theyd want to keep the supply chain open alright


And the economy going to hell in a handbasket all the while.

You see. Ye’re all very negative lads

its gone already with the latest extension, Ireland is finished for 10 years. It will be a social welfare state with a small agriculture sector