Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Not many have thought through the impact of an extended lock down. Most people have stopped paying mortgages, rent, bills, etc here. There will be massive bankruptcies and defaults on loans soon, it will make 2009 look like a picnic.


Theres a few in the same boat here I suspect

Some lads on here want to see the world burn.
Patience. Not patients.

We need to remain zen

This too shall pass.

I’m adding @horsebox to my list of people with no mettle.

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This crisis has been an eyeopener

Lads will be emigrating to Belarus for a job

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I can act as the recruitment agency

Met a fella this morning coming back from a lorry run to the UK. Left London yesterday evening (bank holiday Friday) straight onto the M25 and didn’t hit the brakes til he met the ferry. Came from Rosslare this morning and met two cars on that road.

All these questions were raised and shit down here repeatedly. We’re killing people that could live healthy lives for years … The numbers outside Dublin are minimal… And deaths are unfortunately mainly from very old people with underlying issues… We can surely devise a system where ops can go ahead.


That’s a hard line to take

This is one hell of a car crash of a thread.

Idiots will always self-identify and that’s certainly been the case over the last 50 posts or so.


Did you check his tacho readings for breaks?

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The armchair socialists must be loving life in the basement right now. You can just picture them frantically devouring their populist socialist horseshit online, and pointing the finger at the ruling class, the capitalist system and bourgeois democracy, who have all failed to get ahead of the crisis. :laughing:

Statistical analysis and statistical thinking is the most effective way through this, and not politics.

Clarity and excellence in thinking is very much like clarity and excellence in the display of data. When principles of design replicate principles of thought, the act of arranging information becomes an act of insight.
Edward R. Tufte


I know of 3 people dead.

I’m alive, my wife is alive, my kids are alive, my Dad is alive, my in-laws still alive.

Thanks for asking.


You see this is where we need the crinklies out and about. They gather all this info without even realising it

They’ll save lives that can be exchanged for likes on media. Lives from other disease and suicide are worthless therefore.

And the gubbermint are doin nuhin, except when they do sumtin, then its a police state


August Bank Holiday now for the pubs reopening I’m hearing. Mark it down in your calendar lads

Being speculated they aren’t reporting deaths by suicide either for fear of the knock on effect. We need to be careful here.

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