Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

It might still be worse than the pandemic. It’ll certainly last longer.


There’s absolutely no doubt it will be worse and last longer. Every single person is agreed on that


Might & certainly eh?

Yes. I’d be confident of the latter so used the phrase “certainly” there. I hope that’s cleared up for ya

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The Human race are highly adaptable.

Once restrictions ease people will just get on with it. While restrictions are in place people just get on with things.

People got depressed before COVID19 & will while it’s with us.

The only thing we can control is how we fight it & protect the vulnerable.

Actually you have constantly downplayed the mental health aspect on here.

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Throw up a few there my constant pal.

You ridiculed mental health along with chucks two weeks ago

I’m still trying to work out whether @ironmoth:
i) thinks 50% of people who were treated for heart attacks before COVID-19 emerged were faking those heart attacks
ii) if he wants more people to die of heart failure than are already doing so now because they’re petrified to go to a hospital they fear might be riddled with COVID-19 as the disease spreads like wildfire in a non-lockdown situation.

Whether it’s i) or ii) doesn’t really matter - because both are the views of a psychopath.


Remember fellas there’s kid in Africa waking up with no water or food. Each day the odds are against them surviving till the next day. No matter how bad things may seem for you there’s people much worse off. Absolutely nobody knows how bad things could have been without a lock down. In a few months it’ll pass.

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Anyone else noticing a change in the narrative from media the last few days? Only a slight shift so far, but a few people gently suggesting we need to reopen the economy.

Considering FGs policy seems to be entirely based on public opinion, I’d imagine we will start to see a loosening of restrictions.

Personally I don’t think people will go along with it any longer than that anyway. People will start to push back as time goes on.

I suppose we’ll see how the countries who are relaxing restrictions week are getting on by then and that’ll help one way or another.


There’s a huge change Of narrative under a few tweets alright. People wanting to know did they die from the virus or other issues and that sort of thing. Sure stuff Stryker will have to reopen soon. Within a few weeks everything becomes a essential in a way


Tough decisions had to be made to avoid us throwing the vulnerable to the wolves, it was never going to be easy, all these things will have been and will continue to be taken into consideration, you’d swear Leo was going on a solo run here deciding what’s going to happen, there’s lots of truth in the evidence and possible outcomes being provided by the ‘reopeners’ but im 100% confident that thousands of lives will have been saved by these restrictions, people will suffer of course but the time to deal with that will cone as well and I hope it’s done with the same urgency



WE have drifted virtually overnight, because of a relatively small number of people defying the Government’s diktat, from a free and open democracy to a modern-day police state, albeit temporarily.
The sort of limitations we are now enduring are akin to the most restrictive totalitarian states across the globe and are anathema to modern liberal democracies.

He did his very best to hype it up Mike

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Manufacturing consent, and it’s no surprise to see Daniel McConnell all over it, a right-wing hack who would fit in just fine at the Daily Telegraph. He was one of the hacks at the Sindo who created the narrative that the 2007 election wwas all about stamp duty on property, as did Brendan O’Connor, who started this latest narrative last week when he allowed the appalling Michael O’Keeffe to spout bullshit all over the airwaves.

What a waste of his entitled time