Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

Coming from the chap who thinks there’s no such thing as a gambling addiction :smiley:

He won’t tag you anymore & I’m on mute apparently.

That’ll be the “Cheltenham Guilt”.

Are the lads in the Guardian after crossing to the dark side as well?

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You were mocking mental health two weeks ago as well.

You refuse to acknowledge that gambling is an addiction. Why do you think that is?

I didn’t. I say I don’t believe it was but was willing to learn more about it after Esteban sending me on some stuff about it.

Gas fucking cunt…

So you’ve only learned this week that people can be addicted to gambling?

Tomorrow’s lesson: Rain is wet.

I didn’t Know you can be addicted to masterbation either being honest.

A lot of lads are pulled by it.


A lot of lads have a hard time with it.


Come again

I genuinely didn’t buy the Sindo, or see it on anyone’s coffee table, but I see from twitter screenshots that Ciara Kelly was also taking this line. The theme gaining currency is…a time may be approaching where the cure is worse than the virus.

I’m not advocating lifting restrictions myself, but I’m man marking Holohan, Reid, De Gascun, Henry, Glynn et al. I’m arrogant enough to consider myself an expert after following this on the INTERNET in recent weeks and I can recognise when they’re bullshitting me. Some encouraging stats from Reid this morning about testing numbers and clearing backlog. I just want to see them implement an efficient t&t regime.


An awful lot of lads find it very handy too.

You are probably the only person left listening to this guff.


You’re very out of touch if you think nobody is listening to it.

Outside of Liveline it’s probably the main “opinion forming” programme on Irish radio.

No shit mate. Where were you two months ago?


Lot of European countries setting out their plans now for phased reopenings starting this week.


To be honest I think most who listen to that show do so because they need something to moan about . I know very few who listen to it . Others have it on but don’t really listen .