Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

So much for loyalty.

California reopening sign in @anon7035031

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You will never conquer your enemy if you are hiding from your enemy

If you show your face to an enemy which is hiding, the enemy will just ruthlessly cut you down.

The west always leads the way, in every country.
No dates yet, will likely be by county or groups of counties.


Every minute you are hiding you lose

Most of Ireland hiding under the bed shitting themselves including Varadkar trying to pretend it will go away in a few weeks. Time to take it on

Time to engage, man up and face this shoulder to shoulder

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Didn’t ca have daily flights from wuhan prior to the shutdown?

Varadkar at home drawing pictures, pretending some 6-year olds sent them to him and posting them on twitter. He doesn’t have a clue. Open it up ta fuck.


Yes, but direct flights from Wuhan were stopped on January 23rd, and all visitors from China stopped February 3rd and returning Americans quarantined.

Trump suspending all payments to WHO. Throwing them under the bus.

So how was the virus not ripping through la in December and most of January?

Sheer political grandstanding for his fascist base, and unbelievably irresponsible. A global problem requires global strategy.

The fact is the WHO has performed well throughout this crisis and Trump has at best been a total failure, more realistically he’s deliberately inflicting mass death on the US because it fulfils his wet dream of a catastrophe giving him the pretext to inflict fascist shock doctrine on the US.

Is he declaring war on China through the WHO?

Both and he’s only warming up

giphy (8)

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This is the first time I’ve seen one of these.

He’s actually retarded

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Refuses to ever take responsibility for anything and lays into the WHO for not taking responsibility :laughing: