Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

We were in half of them

Sales of ashgards and mikasas will be huge.

According to professor knut the chinese already had herd immunity by the time c19 was identified and their lockdown enforced.

I wouldn’t pay any attention to that Knut

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Whatfinger News is a widely trusted source. I wouldn’t imagine it would have any obvious nefarious agendas or anything.

Luke O’Neill, immunologist said on The Tonight Show earlier that the lockdown will be extended well past 5th May.

And he’s Mr. Optimism.

Ye will be drip feed extensions till next Christmas. Varadkar hasn’t a ckue

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Knut has lived up to his nickname of “The Rockefeller Skank”.

What can be done to save Ireland? They’ll have to slash public sector salaries for a start. There’s lads at home in Ireland thinking they are on a kind if holiday getting free money

The solution is obvious. Isolate the vulnerable and anyone in contact with them. Throw the kids back into school and let them and their parents develop resistance…immediately. In a few weeks lift the lockdown for for everyone except the vulnerable.
There’ll not be a word about it by the time the first cut is in.


It’s the only way

Can they slash doctors and nurses salaries after this? It’ll have to be across the board, USC 2.0 for the next few decades

Everyone is in it together I thought

Boris was right

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…and dose everyone with vitamin d, sauerkraut and quinine.

We have to be bold and brave and take this bloody thing on the chin. Farting around with a half arsed lockdown until next year. It’s not realistic

We need to roll the dice

Your old lad would still be locked in watching everyone else getting on with it