Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

The WH. Trump probably hand selects them based on who hasn’t had a beating for a few days.

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Ffs lads. Trump’s playing the victim card here and none of you can even see it. The man’s a genius.

He’s been playing that card for weeks

There’s no way they decided a virus and shared it with the world based on a few k of flu deaths in a city of millions.

I expect a few well timed leaks from Americas own intelligence agencies on how and why WHO let the ball drop and the extent of China cover up.

I must say it’s quite comforting to hear him list off all of these companies, sounds like we could be back up and running in a couple of weeks.

He’s been playing the victim his whole life. Imagined victimhood is an integral part of fascism.

Not like this…

Trump hitting the nail on the head re sports here, ‘I’m sick of watching games that happened 20 years ago’


“World Health have been working hard and very smart”. :laughing:

Even Vince McMahon got a mention

Roll back on the governors. That hurts him

Thank our lucky stars we have a sports guy leading the free world

A vote for Biden on a machine in November being logged as a vote for Trump hurts Biden a lot more than anything can hurt Trump.

How left leaning is CNN?

Depends on the presenter. They are more anti Trump than left leaning.

They are straight down the middle, unless its Trump

But they aren’t overboard in criticism of him. They’re just calling out his shit.

Fauci is for the road

Stop ffs. Watch Don Lemon for a few nights. Trump could have cured cancer that day and he’d spend the whole hour on some stupid phrase Trump used.