Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

You don’t have to be critical, just ask him a question thats not designed to inflate his ego. There’s an art to it, most journos wouuld never have the balls but every now and then its KA-POW

World health and World Trade.

Fucking hell

Left but a propaganda arm of the democratic leadership. Their whole reason for existing the last 5 years has been near 24 hour coverage of trump.

Trump has a dig at fauci there to occupy twitter for the next day. Genius.

CNN and MSNBC have been flying that kite for the last month. Fauci put them back in their box yesterday.

He’s losing it.

Here we go :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


My fucking christ

Hes saying in one sentence how good he is with China and in the next I’m not being nice to China

My god

He is both good cop and bad cop.

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Not at all really. It’s reality-based which means nutcases class it as “left”, but then again reality has a heavy bias against the Republican party and Trump. Its Prime Time line up (which are the editorial, opinion or discussion type shows which drive perception of all the cable news networks) has Anderson Cooper, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon who would be generally classed as “liberal” in America, but it has regularly bent over backwards to normalise Trump and use pro-Trump framing to not appear biased. It has fallen massively into the trap of normalising Trump and giving him masses of free coverage. This is the trap that Trump sets as his strategy, make everything about him and the crazy stuff he constantly says because the “marketplace of opinions” only values those “opinions” which generate the most reaction. Even Van Jones has bent over backwards to use pro-Trump framing. CNN has also platformed actual Nazi Richard Spencer.

There’s no comparison between CNN/MSNBC and Fox News though. The first two exist in a reality-based universe, the latter doesn;t and is a pure far right propaganda outlet.

So called “liberal” media has a massive problem with using pro-Trump framing to appear to be “fair” to him. And that’s an insult to journalism. Being fair would involve relentless savaging of him and relentless digging into his criminal connections, both to the Italian mafia and more importantly to the murky underworld of Russian money laundering, the Russian mafia and international organised crime.

There is literally nothing remotely positive about him or his presidency. The whole thing is a shit show of truly unimaginable proportions.

Nod to Leo here or Bojo
‘I’m studying other countries, I don’t want to mention names cos I’d only embarrass them’

Hes throwing New York under the bus now

Companies doing testing on a weekly basis :laughing:

Hypernormalization at work

What’s completely weird is that up to about six weeks ago Trump was a massive hypochondriac but since then has suddenly developed a massive love for shaking hands and basically all the stuff you’re supposed to not do in a global pandemic.

Daily I’d say in many cases. Once there’s a saliva test, very easy to implement.

It would have to be daily. Weekly is pointless. You get tested on a Monday and contract it Wednesday and spread it Thursday and friday. Pointless

Would immunity be as contagious as the virus?

He’s finished with New York in every sense. He can never go back there and has no intention of doing so. He’s changed his state of residence to Florida. Kushner, Ivanka Trump and Uday and Qusay can hardly go back either.

Eastasia, he’s always been at war with them.