Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

I have 3 weddings to attend around Christmas and I am encouraged by this. I’d be broke and highly depressed after

Ireland have tested significantly more than Denmark.

Denmark had tested just over 17k per one million as of yesterday. Ireland had tested over 19k per million as of last Monday. At just 1.5k tests a day (we have done more than that in the last week, clearing an 11k backlog alone, but lets be very cconservative) that brings us up to 19.5k tests per million.

In terms of contact tracing, nobody is particularly comfortable with this. The EU want an app launched but we shall see.

Denmark started reopening last week, that was on the back of seeing clear evidence of hospitalisations and ICU figures falling. We have seen the same evidence here for a prolonged period.

Our government are only talking about it in papers now, when other countries have given phased reopening plans. Where is ours?

We can’t and won’t be waiting for a vaccine mate. There’d be nothing of the country left


Pipe down.

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Waiting in what manner?

Businesses will reopen and life will resume well before a vaccine.

There might never be a vaccine, to have waiting for one as part of your plan is mental

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Lads badly agitating for loss of life so they can drink a pint in a pub.

It’s sad to see.


Denmark have half the deaths per million of population than we do. Denmark’s fatalities have been flat for some time now.

ICU is the most important factor when deciding how to reopen, 100% agreed.

You have to see how having deaths continuing will form the governements strategy on this, though

They have to figure out contact tracing, they have to figure out how to protect care homes while simultaneously reopening sectors.

I think the Danes have had a jump on us regards protecting care homes and also on speed of testing and tracing. Our volume is high but the turnaround was poor.

I think we’ll see phased reopening after the current restrictions, it won’t be much, some more businesses added to the essential services, possibly a loosening of the 2km restriction.

A lot of the health experts are saying reopening without having a 2 day turnaround on test/trace/isolate would almost certainly lead to a second wave.

We need to get this right. Relaxing incorrectly and having to go back into more draconian measures would be crushing for morale and for confidence in the policy makers

Society just needs to get with the pogrom.

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Who ever suggested that businesses wouldn’t re-open before a vaccine?

The point is what type of businesses will re-open.

Re-opening pubs when they’ll just spread the virus again would be lunacy.

And re-opening pubs when you know that they’ll be a tinderbox for the virus isn’t mental?

If you reopen other businesses then we will all have been infected by the end of the summer anyway.

The real fatalities line for Ireland looked to have peaked.

As mentioned to your previously, comparing deaths right now requires a huge health warning. It is not clear if all nationals are recording accurately. Denmark have less care homes - that is certainly another complexity for us to deal with but given that many elderly deaths there could be happening at home, we need to wait and see if their final numbers come out higher.

The key figures are hospitalisation and ICU, they have been stable and falling for nearly 2 weeks.

The point on Denmark is not just that they took a decisive decision, but we don’t even have a roadmap communicated. Why?

Not if you have a South Korea style regime in place.

We have nothing like that though.

There’s such a cognitive dissonance here. All the talk is “we’re doing great, we’re flattening the curve, blah blah blah”, while at the same time the loonies are imploring to “open it up ta fuck”.

What on earth was the point in shutting down in the first place then?

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To buy time. It literally cannot be stopped. We just need to try and get it gradually.

That’s not cognitive dissonance.

Have you any plans for your day mate?

Yeah but you’re suggesting to “open it up ta fuck” without us having bought anything with that time.

Which is basically saying there was no point in shutting down in the first place.

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It’s literally a classic definition.

I’m suggesting a gradual reopening from the end of this period. We have massively increased our ICU capacity in the last while and slowed the number of admissions substantially.

Hospitals are basically empty at the moment, they’ve cancelled everything to prepare for this and the surge hasn’t come yet thankfully.

No it isn’t. People want to see a plan- there is no plan.

You’ve come in here and started going on about minimums expected before opening up. You’ve ignored countries who don’t have those achieved but have started to do that but that’s neither here nor there- where is our plan to reopen? Why have other countries been publishing theirs? We have our health minister in the newspaper and leaving industries to ask him for meetings.