Reopen the counties - the COVID-19 Edgy thread

They just need to get on with it now.

Plans mean jack shit. This narrative is so fucking dangerous. It breeds complacency in the population. Simon Harris is actually dead right here.

Earlier on you were criticising our government for merely following other countries and not having their own ideas. Then when they don’t follow others, you’re criticising them for not doing so.

Have you considered that out government may in fact be the responsible ones here, or have you suddenly turned into a Sinn Feiner? You think you know people, eh.

Why are hospitals empty?

How is it dangerous?

Why can other countries tell their citizens what their plans are?

If numbers don’t go the way you want, then fine, keep it up. But communicate.

Because it breeds complacency and our case figures are nowhere near justifying a relaxation yet, they’re still many times higher than they were we started restrictions in the first place. I can’t speak for other countries but I imagine the “business lobby” is very strong in all of them. But the business lobby’s interests are in direct opposition to public health interests here and I don’t know why anybody would pretend otherwise.

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Can anyone outline Denmark’s numbers as regards deaths broken down for example,

  • Nursing Homes
  • General public

I think judging us against them in any other way is useless tbh. I can see why people say we have gone past peak and open up etc.
But, our Deaths by and large have been via Nursing Home infections so how do we know what will happen is we relax restrictions?

How can be sure that,

  • numbers of infections increase again
  • we won’t start to see deaths outside the Nursing Home sector increasing

Health workers are dying from this from over exposure in Countries throughout the world.

We have done extremely well as a population here, it would be disastrous to piss all that effort away by shooting our loads to quickly.

See above re nursing homes and Denmark.

Has anyone suggested not protecting people in nursing homes after relaxing some restrictions?

It is once again strange how you ignore Scandinavian countries when it suits. Denmark comes out and talks about the economy, but it’s steadfastly ignored by you. It’s only that dastardly Anglo Americans who would care about that.

There is nothing dangerous about laying a roadmap out, absolutely nothing. You are being contrarian for the sake of it.

If we are reopening schools we might as well reopen everything. Keeping other businesses/outlets closed but letting them super spreaders into a room in close proximity makes no sense to me

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We can feed them to the wolves the greens will have reintroduced and kill two birds with one stone

What a bizarre line of argument. It’s almost like you see things through an entirely straw man lens.

Human psychology, mate. As soon as you start talking about the end of something before it happens, people start thinking it’s over when it very definitely isn’t. Sure you only have to look at the responses on this forum for a taster of it.

False hope is a very bad thing to spread.

There’s a weird vibe I’m getting from a lot of people that almost reminds me of the hysteria in the US and the UK before the Iraq War. It’s that “we need to do something”. What that something is, nobody has a clue, but we need to do it anyway, we must advance, blind to the dangers or the consequences.

We get one go at this, if there is a roadmap it’s an expectation. The government don’t have confidence yet, obviously, to raise expectation.

Do you think easing restrictions or planning to and having to back track would be ok? It would be devastating for confidence in the policy makers

Not my point tbf, no one can say whether infection rates in so called younger population won’t spike and fill up the Hospitals & ICU’s again.

The numbers I’m interested in once measures are relaxed in other Countries is how infection rates outside Nursing Homes stack up.

Human psychology or Irish psychology?

Does it not apply to other countries who have published their plans?

You are also directly contradicting yourself here. You are praising Simon Harris but then saying even talking about lifting restrictions is dangerous.

Simon Harris is talking about lifting them, so let’s park being contrarian for a second here.

We have no roadmap. We have a health minister telling entire sectors that they might not reopen in the newspaper rather than directly engaging with them. That is far more dangerous.

No because you quite clearly tell people what happens if numbers do go back up.

Treat your citizens as grown ups.

Well you have them there.

Look at Sweden. Their ICU numbers are stable.

I’m talking about economic impact here. Business that have to open up and then shut down again, think of the cost involved there.

Spent a week hiring back staff, training getting stock, bang, shutdown again.

Stay closed and bang, nothing happens anyway.


Yeah staying closed would fight off a second wave. But that isn’t feasible.

You keep harping on about Denmark despite them being better than us on cases per million and deaths per million. We’re about double on both.

We aren’t where Denmark are. We still have 2 crucial weeks to run on the current restrictions.

Be patient

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Do you think it’s a good idea to start planning what we do in 2 weeks, mate?