For anyone who gets notified of a post or whatever on here would you use the option to reply that email to have your response posted or would you never bother using such a feature? I guess it’s primarily driven at making it easier to respond to something from your mobile if you got notified of a mention or whatever.
Why not just get an app with notifications? That tappatalk app is a master yoke for the notifications. Email notifications is a cumbersome workaround. I mean who the fuck wants their inbox cluttered with forum notifications?
I mean can you imagine the carnage that would cause to a power user such as @bandage or @myboyblues work inbox.
Tapatalk are always trying to impose ads and other revenue streams (for themselves) into the app
Taptalk doesn’t engage well/ at all with new forum software.
You can get notifications without a forum app by using pushbullet or an equivalent service. I’d guess that might be something possible for TFK in a few months. But there are some complications about getting stuff to work across all devices. In particular, The software can already push desktop notifications to Chrome users for example.
Add to homescreen - but you can already do that with a bookmark for Apple or Android
Notifications - that depends on either integrating the forum with a provider like Pushbullet or waiting until mobile operating systems are upgraded so their browsers take notifications like their desktop equivalents.
Neither is a compelling case to spend a few thousand Euros on an app.
Apps are extremely expensive. - Tappatalk is free
Tapatalk has had some serious security breaches. - when and how serious. Should we all be concerned about our info.
Tapatalk are always trying to impose ads and other revenue streams (for themselves) into the app - it’s a free app a couple of harmless adds are a small price to pay for a free service
Taptalk doesn’t engage well/ at all with new forum software. - this would appear to be the real issue. Hopefully at some point in the future before the next upgrade tappatalk will extend their support to whatever this software is.
Tapatalk isn’t free for everyone. And even if it was free for all end users that doesn’t make it free for developers.
I wouldn’t be overly concerned about info I gave to Tapatalk. But I wouldn’t be prepared to ask users to give passwords to a place with a dodgy record of being forthcoming about security breaches.