Richard Keogh

What a disgrace.

What did he do

He was in the back seat of a car that a drunk driver was operating. Car crashed.

racing his car drunk with a bunch of derby players. crashed it and is now out for the season

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He’s let his country down.

The Oirish love an owl drink

He wasn’t driving. What’s the issue?

That can’t be right

The chant about Richard Keogh says he’s indestructible

The issue is he knowingly got into a car with someone who was pissed who crashed and endangered not only the occupants lives but other road users. Surprised you’ve an issue with this.

Further to this he’s club captain so it’s a very bad example to be out all night drinking.

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He’s club captain and got in the car with drunk teammates. He’s hardly innocent here.

Albeit I think AC is using this to further some agenda.

Derby seem to be seething with him from that statement though so perhaps there’s something to be read between the lines.

Put it in the drink driving thread or the Irish soccer thread … I dont know why you started a new thread on it.

I didn’t start the thread on it. Are you drunk too?

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Wouldn’t be surprised if they are all sacked. They’ve surely broken misconduct terms in their contract. Derby will want to cut their loses and free up money for replacements.

Duffy went off injured last night. Not looking good for Georgia and the Swiss next month.

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All you Limerick wankers are the same to me, getting excited about nothing

I’d like to see the honest answers here of people who have never been in a car with somebody who was drink driving

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Derby’s statement strongly implies they will not be sacked

However I’d imagine strong pressure will come on them to do so

Must be Keogh’s biggest mistake since this

Imagine if rugby players were involved here :grinning: the scummy soccer fans all defending drinking driving


Would you not count yourself as a scummy soccer fan given the amount of posts you have about soccer ?

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