Road to WrestleMania XXIX

Jerry Lawler collapsed at the announce table and has apparently had some sort of seizure. He was taken out during the last match and the camera cut away. Hope he is alright.

Michael Cole said they performing cpr on Jerry Lawler. :frowning: I have an awful awful feeling about this.

Cole is just sitting there and looked at the desk. Hes not commentaing, I fear Jerry is dead. :frowning: Just pull the show.

Michael Cole has updated the situation and said Jerrys on his way to the hospital and is breathing on his own. Hopefully he will be ok. You have to feel for Michael Cole here. He really looks shaken.

Is this real or part of a story line? Was watching during breaks in the us open .

Its as real as it gets. I wish it was a story line. The news from Cole was encouraging.

Update: Cole said that Jerry is responsive to the Doctors and he is having a Cat Scan. Cmon King. Pull through this.

Michael Cole ended the show saying Jerry is breathing on his own and his heart is beating on its own and hes waiting to get a can scan. Fair play to Michael Cole for keeping it together. To Echo what Cole said “Jerry, Beat This Thing”



Latest update is that the paramedics saved his life and he has had surgery on his heart. Its looking more positive at this stage but the next 24 hours are crucial for him.

Christ must watch this later, good to know the King is still alive.

King can do it. At least it took place at the show and not at the hotel a few hours later when he would have been alone and he would have probably died.

Brilliant storyline :clap:

Fuck off you horrible cunt.

Stacy Carter, the former wife of Jerry Lawler, just made a post, which is consistent with what we’ve been hearing.

“The docs are removing his ventilation and taking him out of sedation. He is responsive, which is great!!! It took a while to revive him last night so there’s the concern of brain damage. He had some tests done which will show how much if any damage there is due to the lack of oxygen to the brain. Unfortunately, the results won’t be in until the morning. I appreciate all the calls, texts, tweets and Facebook messages of support and I know Jerry will too.”

Sounding very encouraging for Jerry. Lets just hope there is no brain damage.

Brian Lawler posted earlier today that his father does not appear to have suffered any brain damage, which was the biggest fear as of last night.
“The CT scan of my dad’s brain came back good,” he posted.
Lawler on Monday after suffering a near fatal heart attack while announcing, had his heart stop beating for what is believed to have been close to 15 minutes, which is where the fear of brain damage came because of oxygen deprivation to the brain.

Brian Lawler flew to Montreal on Tuesday and has been by his father’s side for the past day.
Kevin Lawler, who is not in Montreal, said that his father is not able to speak, but he is writing things on a notepad.
“Not just brief notes, but detailed stores which show he knows where he is and what is going on,” Kevin Lawler told
Joe Cooper, Lawler’s business partner in Memphis, told WMC-TV, where Lawler was a fixture on television for two decades as the star of Championship Wrestling, the saem thing.
Stacy Carter, Lawler’s ex-wife, posted, “The rumours are true. I just got confirmation that Jerry Lawler’s test results are in and he has no brain damage. That is wonderful news.”

Great stuff. :clap: Jerry Jerry Jerry!!![/size][/font]

What about the son who kicked the shit out of him on Raw one night years ago, told him he was a terrible father and all that, did he turn up?

Thats Brian and he did. :lol:

Is Jerry okay lads? All credit to him, he is the KIng! :frowning:

Yeah he seems to be pulling through. He was awake and knows what happened to him and has been communicating with his family. :clap:

Glad to hear it. The oul wraslin wouldn’t be the same without Jerry telling us whats going. Is the Gorilla Monsoon still on the go?