Road to WrestleMania XXIX

The bow too. :lol:

I will repeat that Paul Heyman is great.

I cant help feel we wont get a clean finish here. :strokechin:

How come it’s always the Spanish announce table they target first…

The table wasnt following the script there.

Hate when that happens, bet Vince was fuming watching it. :lol:

Hold on here. This is bullshit.

“Shut up you stooge.” :lol: :clap:

Jbl. :clap:

It was clearly the Undertaker Cole.

Hold on!!!

An not Vince.

Can only think how they will settle that match in the morning. :lol:

Double result, Shan. A bad night for Powers.

[spoiler] Cant see another way. :lol: Hasnt been settled yet if you check the results section of the site. I hope for Mania with Rock vs Cena they just scratch out the “once” in the once in a lifetime posters and write over it with Twice

Edit: I see its paid out as the Rock. At worse anyone on Punk should get a void bet really.[/spoiler]]

He is dead right. :clap:

:lol: Destroys the Rocks Blu Ray he bought and obviously liked him.

Punk isnt happy.

Is there anywhere to watch Raw replays online? The bloody thing didn’t record on Sky box, youtube don’t have last night’s show.

:lol: :lol: J9ziBEIegco
