Road to WrestleMania XXIX

Just got this. Had been meaning to get it for a while.

Swagger arrested for a Dui and having Pot on him. I wonder will they change their current plans for him. I hope not. Him and Dutch “Zeb” Mantell have a lot to say about people crossing the States Borders. :clap:

They better not! It may mean he doesn’t win the title though.

I’d either wave at it or include it in his persona. I’m an American, I have the freedom to do what I like including break the occasional law.
You’re a Mexican and you don’t deserve to be here to do anything. The more hypocrisy the better.

I genuinely couldn’t give a shit about any of the matches at Wrestlemania this year.
Not buying it, will acquire it and flick through at a rapid pace.

  • The Rock vs. John Cena
    Yawn. Turn heel Cena for God sake.

  • Undertaker vs. CM Punk Yawn.
    FOAD Mark. Punk is wasted in this spot. Taker wins, zzzzz.

  • Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H
    FOAD Paul. Have Lesnar lose again. Genius booking.

  • Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger
    Del Rio bores me. His act is pretty stale. Swagger’s DUI killed the angle.

  • Team Hell No vs. Dolph Ziggler, Big E. Langston
    Ziggler wasted in this spot. Bryan too. Will probably steal the show. But such a waste of talent.

  • Ryback vs. Mark Henry
    This could be a car-crash match. Big guy vs big guy never works. I half expect Ryback botches Shellshock and paralyses Henry.

  • Chris Jericho vs. Fandango
    This is probably the only interesting match on the card.

  • The Shield vs. Randy Orton, Sheamus, Big Show
    3 v 3 Shield, again. Meh. Including the Shield in an 8 man Money in the Bank match could have been interesting.

  • Team Rhodes Scholars + Bellas vs Tensai, Brodus and The Funkadactyls.
    Good fucking God.

Also likely to be:
Miz vs Barrett
AJ vs Kaitlyn

No Money in the Bank.
Baffling match selections.
A travesty of a card.

Orton & Sheamus are wasted in tag team match ffs. :rolleyes:

Poor lineup alright.

Also Cesaro nowhere on the card.

Youtube match Id say against a no mark like Kofi Kingston one would imagine!!

It really is a disappointing card alright. The only match I really cared about was Cm Punk vs Taker but Paul Bearers death has turned it into a angle about the Urn. I wonder what the direction of the match would be if Paul hadn’t of died.

Cena vs Rock has already been done. I think the title being on Rock has killed the suspense of who would win. I heard there was a chance Rock would be at Extreme Rules in a 3 way with Cena and Punk so perhaps he could keep the title but a 3rd month without a champ at the House shows would be pushing it.

I think we could be shocked when Brock destroys Hunter. If its Brock vs Rock at 30 then surely Brock must win here. Hunter is basically retired anyway. Its no big loss if he isnt wrestling anymore and they could setup an angle with him lobbying to come back and Brock would give in and let him come back and then Hunter could get his win.

Why has Orton been put to the back of the line match wise lads? Always enjoy his matches.

Boring as fuck to be honest.

Well it’s about fucking time…


Worth it for the Mr T speech at the hall of fame last night.

How would one go about watching this live tonight? I forgot to book on UPC and you’ve to have done so by 8pm. Anyone know where it can be got online, even if you’ve to pay for it?

Is this stream usually fairly reliable, mate?

@Captainshan Are you able to send PMs mate? I tried sending you something there but it didn’t send, can you try sending me a message.

Sent you a message there. Dont know how reliable but no real way of getting the pay per view if you on upc.