
Jaysus that is fair fucking clown statement to come out with. You’ll have lads running piebalds from Ballymun to Dooradoyle.

Limerick horse cruelty situation

From Limerick Independent

2010: year of the horse?

Written by Rachael Finucane

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

"CITY councillors are aiming to make a huge effort in 2010 to combat the issue of illegally held horses with suggestions including a seizure blitz and an amnesty type programme.

At the December city council meeting, the contract for the provision of horse control services in the city was recently put out to tenderspurring representatives to criticise the problem. In 2009, 120 horses were impounded by the councilsix of which were re-homed and two returned to ownersand all funds used to seize illegally held horses are recouped from the Department of Agriculture. Cllr Joe Leddin said that if all costs can be recouped the council should make an all out effort to deal with the problem permanently.

If it costs us 300,000, why dont we just make the application to the department? Cllr John Gilligan added that this problem is getting worse. In Lee Estate recently, I saw five horses shivering in the snow and I know theyll be there next week and the week after that. Weve never even tried to come to any agreement with people who want to look after horses.

Cllr Maurice Quinlivan insisted that 2010 should be the year that we say enough is enough and after a subsequent Environment SPC last week, suggested that the council organise an amnesty and use funding to buy horses.

I would like to congratulate all those involved in the seizure of horses illegally roaming around the city. These horses [those seized in 2009] were removed at a cost of 151,436. This works out at approximately 1,646 per horse seized. Whilst this money is totally recouped from central government and costs Limerick City Council nothing it is still taxpayers monies, he said.

Whilst many horse owners do genuinely care for their horses, many are either incapable of looking after their horses or are indifferent to them. The local trade in horses has collapsed and prices are now at rock bottom. Horses cannot be sold and many now dont have the ability to care for their horses. Many horses have been virtually abandoned. Horses are in many cases existing in terrible conditions.

If we were to offer a small sum of money maybe 200-250 per horse we could, for approximately 20,000, get 100 horses removed from the city streets. This has the potential to be a success and make an impact on the numbers of illegal horses. We need to act before some innocent person is injured or worse by one of these horses, said the councillor."

See below also if you want to get an idea of the Limerick horse cruelty situation

Would you mind bulletpointing that? If its basically what SS said then its ok.

Basically the same as SS with the back ground of how this all arose & a link detailing how bad the horse situation has got in Limerick :slight_smile:

To be honest I’d be more in favour of impounding/putting down the owners more so than the horses.

Thats cool by me.

The Horse cruelty cases keep on coming

From today’s Irish Times

Garda inquiry after horse carcasses found


A GARDA investigation is under way following the discovery of the decomposing carcasses of four abandoned horses on a disused golf course at Blarney, Co Cork.

Ten horses in a malnourished and grossly neglected state were also found roaming the former golf course, which covers an estimated 200 acres, without access to food or shelter.

Lisa ODonovan, Mallow-based agent of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA), conducted a search of part of the golf course, which she deemed poor quality land as it offered the horses no food or shelter. The carcasses were in varying stages of decomposition, with one skeletal remains likely to have been there for a number of weeks.

The three other carcasses were deemed to be of animals that died between two and five days before the find, but Ms ODonovan was not sure whether cold weather had slowed the decomposition process.

A cursory search of the site revealed the live horses, which were malnourished and desperately in need of food and shelter, in two groups of four. A mare and her young foal were found separate from the other two groups.

The horses that were alive were not exactly emaciated, though they were neglected and had no access to food or shelter.Its so important for them to have shelter at this time of year, especially with the cold temperatures over the last few weeks they badly need food and shelter to keep their body heat up, Ms ODonovan said.

The find came to light following a tip-off from a local resident, who contacted the ISPCA last week.

The size of the area meant the society was unable to look for other animals, but Ms ODonovan expects there could be many more horses abandoned there. The Garda and the ISPCA have been unable to identify the horses owners.

The garda have been very co-operative and helpful, but we have been unable to trace the owners, so we will have to treat them as abandoned animals. Its very frustrating when we cant hold anyone accountable, Ms ODonovan said.

While a decision was made to remove the animals from the golf course, the ISPCA will be unable to house them, as its equine rescue centres at Longford and Mallow which cater for a maximum of 80 horses are almost at capacity. The number of abandoned and neglected horses and ponies is set to rise this year, but the problem has skyrocketed recently.

People bought horses during the boom but now find they cannot afford to keep them. But since the value and price has declined, people have begun to abandon them, Ms ODonovan said.

I think the real news here is Treatystone=Quinlivan/his son/his brother/his cousin.

Or else a knacker looking to flog a few horses

[quote=“Julio Geordio”]I think the real news here is Treatystone=Quinlivan/his son/his brother/his cousin.

Or else a knacker looking to flog a few horses[/QUOTE]


Why stop there.

Maybe Treatystone= Quinlivan / his grandmother/ his grandfather/his aunt/his third cousine twice removed / a guy he met in the pub/ some guy he went to school with or the guy looking for the contract to collect the horses etc. Take your pick. :slight_smile:

What the fook has that got to do with a thread about horses?


Why stop there.

Maybe Treatystone= Quinlivan / his grandmother/ his grandfather/his aunt/his third cousine twice removed / a guy he met in the pub/ some guy he went to school with or the guy looking for the contract to collect the horses etc. Take your pick. :)[/QUOTE]

Are you one of those lemons who appears outside dog tracks protesting about animal cruelty? If you are, you should join the coursing supporters group on here.

Are you one of those lemons who appears outside dog tracks protesting about animal cruelty? If you are, you should join the coursing supporters group on here.[/QUOTE]

What planet are you on?

Dog racing & coursing are legitimate sports.

Abandoning horses to starve to death is wanton cruelty.

The Newlands cross flyover will open on Thursday

When I first saw the title of this thread I thought of this.

Drove the new M11 tonight. Nice.

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