
Potholes :guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:

Co. Councils would want to get the fucking finger out seen as Noel Dempsey is keeping his hands in his pockets. Bansha in Tipp is one massive one.

Anywhere else particularly bad?

[quote=“Tony Dorigo”]Potholes :guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:

Co. Councils would want to get the fucking finger out seen as Noel Dempsey is keeping his hands in his pockets. Bansha in Tipp is one massive one.

Anywhere else particularly bad?[/QUOTE]

Look it Tony, don’t expect the clowns in the county councils to come running. Limerick City Council spent €150,000 to collect 90 horses throughout 2009… That’s about €1600 odd per horse, many multiples of what these horses are worth. That’s a scandal in itself. Now one of the bright sparks in the council, Cllr Maurice Quinlivan, reckons it would be a good idea to offer lads €250 in a sort of horse amnesty, as he thinks it would be much cheaper than shelling out €1600 to collect and transfer same to the pound. What this councillor doesn’t appear to understand is that you can buy horses for €50 or less and if you put a bounty of €250 on every horse far from cleaning up the horse problem, you’ll have 100,000 horses within the city limits looking for the bounty within the month.

These are the sort of genii who run our councils, so I’d say expecting them to be efficient in filling pot holes is asking for alot. These squandering, incompetent, pocket-lining bastards wouldn’t organise a downhill donkey derby. Rant over.

[quote=“Tony Dorigo”]Potholes :guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns::guns:

Tipp is one massive one.


I concur

Fair play to Clr Quinlivan for trying to do something new

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Look it Tony, don’t expect the clowns in the county councils to come running. Limerick City Council spent 150,000 to collect 90 horses throughout 2009… That’s about 1600 odd per horse, many multiples of what these horses are worth. That’s a scandal in itself. Now one of the bright sparks in the council, Cllr Maurice Quinlivan, reckons it would be a good idea to offer lads 250 in a sort of horse amnesty, as he thinks it would be much cheaper than shelling out 1600 to collect and transfer same to the pound. What this councillor doesn’t appear to understand is that you can buy horses for 50 or less and if you put a bounty of 250 on every horse far from cleaning up the horse problem, you’ll have 100,000 horses within the city limits looking for the bounty within the month.


To be honest, I think that the idea has merit. Fair enough the exact details would have to be worked out.

But in a situation where horses are being abandoned to starve to death in both Limerick city & county something has to be done.

Fair play to Quinlivan for trying to do something new.

I think he suggested a value of euro 250 per animal as this is what the slaughter house pays for horses delivered to its doors.

How is it when somebody suggests a new solution in this country that they are knocked straight away?

What we should be doing is looking at new ideas and seeing how they can be configured in practice, in this case, to avoid fraud.

BTW I’d say Councillor Quinlivan had a good Christmas after his financial settlement from Willie O’Dea

Is your last paragraph and link intended as a threat? God be with the days when a fella would get a bullet in the post.

I’m not knocking Cllr Quinlivan for ‘trying to do something new’, I’m knocking his shit idea which would see a flood of horses pouring into the city so they could be handed over to the council for €250, I’ll be doing it myself if it comes in. The city council is the same bunch who brought in a five acre rule and a licence system for horses in the city. How many licences have been issued? Zero. Sounds like they thought that one through aswell.



Thats a nasty little reply.

Willie O’Dea ended up paying damages because he slandered Clr Quinlivan AND then (by his own admission) gave false evidence in an earlier High Court Hearing.

If you can buy horses for euro 50 then I suggest you get into the business straight away as you can sell them for euro 250 to the horse slaughter factories.

What is your solution to the Limerick horse problem?

[quote=“treatystone”]Thats a nasty little reply.

Willie O’Dea ended up paying damages because he slandered Clr Quinlivan AND then (by his own admission) gave false evidence in an earlier High Court Hearing.

If you can buy horses for euro 50 then I suggest you get into the business straight away as you can sell them for euro 250 to the horse slaughter factories.

What is your solution to the Limerick horse problem?[/QUOTE]

Have you you sent many horses to the slaughter factory lately?
You’d nearly have to pay them yourself to take them off your hands.

[quote=“The Runt”]Have you you sent many horses to the slaughter factory lately?
You’d nearly have to pay them yourself to take them off your hands.[/QUOTE]

Not for the last few months. Have you recent experience?

Yip, the factories are full and have been for the past year.
They have to keep the gates to the yards locked at night to stop fellas abandoning horses there.

Only 5 posts so far but I have a feeling “treatystone” might be a good 'un.

Interesting to have a poster so willing to defend the muffins in Limerick City Council. First time for everything I suppose.

[quote=“The Runt”]Yip, the factories are full and have been for the past year.
They have to keep the gates to the yards locked at night to stop fellas abandoning horses there.[/QUOTE]

Ah, ok, I’m a little out of touch here so.

Perhaps Euro 250 is too much to pay.

I still think the idea is essentially sound though but perhaps the price point should be revisited so.

Maybe it should be pitched at a little over market value but no so much as to encourage the whole scale fraud the Shannonside suggests in his post.

Whooo there boy. I am interested in this scheme as horse enthusiast who is appalled at the way some people in Limerick are abusing & abandoning their horses. This is what is generating my interest in this suggested plan.

But please do not suggest that I am some body "so willing to defend the muffins in Limerick City Council :slight_smile:

[quote=“treatystone”]Ah, ok, I’m a little out of touch here so.

Perhaps Euro 250 is too much to pay.

I still think the idea is essentially sound though but perhaps the price point should be revisited so.

Maybe it should be pitched at a little over market value but no so much as to encourage the whole scale fraud the Shannonside suggests in his post.[/QUOTE]

It’s a problem that needs to be addressed alright, but in a proper coherent manner. Councillors’ tend to like the sound of their voices and gaining a few column inches. If they actually put proper research into ideas and armed themselves with the facts before making outlandish comments to the local papers then their ideas might be better received.

Can some explain this horse deal to me?

Whats going on now?

Read SS** post (2nd post on thread), explains it pretty well.

I lost an alloy wheel the other night in the fog after hitting what can be only described a a crater. Going only about 40 mph max. Tracking is completely fucked as well.

To be honest, Quinlivan is the only politician I have read of who has shown any interest in this horse cruelty issue and tried to come up with a solution. There may, of course, been other politician but I have’nt heard them. So, if the results of his comments is even to start a debate, then that is something at least