Rocko's Injury

I played rugby for 20 years and you are constantly battered and couldnt be going to the pyhsio for everything. But my ankles used to get an awful doing in the soft ground and getting horsed around and stamped and I never got them looked after and they are goosed now.

BTW, Id say most physios would recommend anyone prone to injury to stay away from astro football for a start

is tag going that long??..fcuking time flies…:stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Is it just me or is there a lot of shaping going on here?

It is a common trait in some people to discuss injuries as if they were professionals.

Fair enough if you are completely fucked and can’t walk or something, but some people go to the physio over the slightest thing because they want to seen as if they are serious athletes.

I should say that I don’t consider myself as such, not an athelete never mind a serious one, as I only play a bit of astro during the week and I am generally fucked after 10 seconds.

I know of a bloke last year (no names mentioned) who had no more than a twinge in his back and went to a physio about it and stayed out of football for months. Imagine if you were my height - I getting fucking twinges in my back every day.

A terrible waste of money of you ask me.[/quote]

You’re probably right.

Cunts like me blathering on about injuries and risking their careers to play on night’s like tonight. I fucking dare you to play with 10% of the pain I endured for TFK tonight. 10 fucking per cent. You don’t have it in you.