Rocko's Injury

A brief pictorial response to those who doubt my injury claims. By the way does anyone reckon this sort of swollen ankle requires physio and stuff? Over a week now and it’s sore as fuck but I haven’t exactly rested it.

Lesser knee injury visible in this last one:

That skin is too white to be Rockos.

Would you not have strapped it up and played you soft cunt…

thats fcuked… it looks on both sides of the ankle…you must have come close to snapping the ankle completely…but the ligaments on both sides took the weight and saved it…you will be left with a weak ankle if you don’t go to physio for a few sessions and get some ultra sound on it…the damaged tissue won’t move along without it…so it will be as tender as fcuk any time you put pressure on it…You need to get swelling down first before a physio will go near it…keep icing…

on second look…you might need an x-ray…looks like the famed metatarsals look a bit fooked too…

Hmm that’s some good examining Scumpot.

Didn’t really notice the way the foot itself is but now that youve pointed out there’s a bit of an uneven bit there.

Wish I’d my own x-ray machine, seems like a fucking waste if you go to hospital and there’s nothing wrong.

VHI clinic maybe so. This is presumably a stupid question but do you have to have VHI to go there anyone know?

Looks completely fine to me.


VHI clinic maybe so. This is presumably a stupid question but do you have to have VHI to go there anyone know?[/quote]

Nope, they’ll charge you e200 for the pleasure of getting an xray though. Better than waiting 5 hours in a hospital I suppose.


thanks mac. Dear but fuck it, time is money too.

[quote=“Rocko”]Wish I’d my own x-ray machine, seems like a fucking waste if you go to hospital and there’s nothing wrong.

VHI clinic maybe so. This is presumably a stupid question but do you have to have VHI to go there anyone know?[/quote]

i don’t think you do…i think its just more expensive if your not a member…not sure though…the worst thing about x-rays is if the nurse ses any little thing she’ll put the ankle in a cast…the specialist will then have a look at it in a few days time when he’s in and say its ok and the cast comes off…happened to me…she thought my ankle bone was chipped and put me in a cast for a week until specialist said to take it off…

Rocko I’d bath that ankle in the sea, it will bring out the bruising and kick start the healing process.

I had a similar ankle injury a few weeks ago that I picked up at a wedding and it didn’t stop me from playing. Man up.

Rocko, I trust you have healthcare?

I would be going to a physio before a doctor for that.
Is there a TFK medical claim form?

Yours etc,

That ain’t no turkish leg.

This is on Clarkey’s long list of former recurring injuries. Looks just like ligaments. Bit of icing (ultrasound if you could be arsed going to the physio) and balancing just on that foot to strengthen the ligaments up. You’ll be right as rain for next Thursday.

Is it just me or is there a lot of shaping going on here?

It is a common trait in some people to discuss injuries as if they were professionals.

Fair enough if you are completely fucked and can’t walk or something, but some people go to the physio over the slightest thing because they want to seen as if they are serious athletes.

I should say that I don’t consider myself as such, not an athelete never mind a serious one, as I only play a bit of astro during the week and I am generally fucked after 10 seconds.

I know of a bloke last year (no names mentioned) who had no more than a twinge in his back and went to a physio about it and stayed out of football for months. Imagine if you were my height - I getting fucking twinges in my back every day.

A terrible waste of money of you ask me.

Tinnion knows the score.


[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Is it just me or is there a lot of shaping going on here?

It is a common trait in some people to discuss injuries as if they were professionals.

Fair enough if you are completely fucked and can’t walk or something, but some people go to the physio over the slightest thing because they want to seen as if they are serious athletes.

I should say that I don’t consider myself as such, not an athelete never mind a serious one, as I only play a bit of astro during the week and I am generally fucked after 10 seconds.

don’t think so…i tore my cruciate and cartilage in my knee in the one go playing the most meaningless astro kickabout one could imagine…its irrevelant where an injury happens…its still an injury and the extent of the damage isn’t decided on what level you were playing at …

Ah yeah - don’t get me wrong. That is why I said physio and the rest is perfectly acceptable when something is seriously up.

But I have seen a lot who go to them for the only reason to convince themselves that they are serious athletes.

But I have seen a lot who go to them for the only reason to convince themselves that they are serious athletes.[/quote]

thats true aswell…and worse still a lot of physios will detect this and some would take a lad to the cleaners by hitting him with some lingo about his injury and the clown will keep coming back…