Rocko's Shame

Please discuss Rocko’s despicable, disgraceful, diabolical assault on the referee at the end of TFK’s opening astro fixture of the season earlier tonight in this thread.

Eye-witness accounts, post-incident reaction, whether Rocko has a viable future as player/manager - let’s talk about it here. To be honest, I’m still shellshocked some 5 hours later. The sheer venom and madness in his eyes, the bulging veins on his forehead, the raging features and the aggressive lunge forward.

We’re trying to promote the game, to make it attractive for parents, to get youngsters who are too shit to play to try their hand at refereeing. And then we’re subjected to Rocko’s violent outbursts and the referee falling backwards onto the cold, unforgiving astro surface.

This wasn’t simply a moment of madness - in my opinion, it was a crime against football and everybody who loves the beautiful game.

[quote=“Bandage”]Please discuss Rocko’s despicable, disgraceful, diabolical assault on the referee at the end of TFK’s opening astro fixture of the season earlier tonight in this thread.

Eye-witness accounts, post-incident reaction, whether Rocko has a viable future as player/manager - let’s talk about it here. To be honest, I’m still shellshocked some 5 hours later. The sheer venom and madness in his eyes, the bulging veins on his forehead, the raging features and the aggressive lunge forward.

We’re trying to promote the game, to make it attractive for parents, to get youngsters who are too shit to play to try their hand at refereeing. And then we’re subjected to Rocko’s violent outbursts and the referee falling backwards onto the cold, unforgiving astro surface.

This wasn’t simply a moment of madness - in my opinion, it was a crime against football and everybody who loves the beautiful game.[/quote]

Ah gas. Could we get a bit of background please Bandage? What score was it? What happened that incensed the Jemaine Clement lookalike? Did anybody step in? Did Nigel Winterburn arrive out of nowhere to tell Rocko off? Will there be repercussions like suspension, fine or points deduction?

not good to see referees assaulted like that, but there has been a lot of aggression creeping in around the forum of late.

i blame the Funboys for their promotion of American mangrappling.

[quote=“ClarkeyCat”]Ah gas. Could we get a bit of background please Bandage?

  1. What score was it?

  2. What happened that incensed the Jemaine Clement lookalike?

  3. Did anybody step in?

  4. Did Nigel Winterburn arrive out of nowhere to tell Rocko off?

  5. Will there be repercussions like suspension, fine or points deduction?[/quote]

  6. 3-2 to us at the time with the opposition pouring forward. We still would have held out.

  7. The referee was being a general arsehole about Stevie’s injury - ‘there’s a piece of his knee on the fence over there’. Mind you as we waited for the ambulance to arrive far worse things were being said by us.

  8. No. I think we were all too shocked to be honest. I can recall cesc4 pushing Rock away after he has pushed the referee over.

  9. No the opposition behaved impeccably. One of them even phoned the ambulance cos none of us had our phones on the pitch.

  10. Wouldn’t have thought so - at the end of the night the referee and Rocko were in an embrace.

Also - as we departed the pitch I heard the following conversation between a father and son, draped in the TFK colours:

Son: ‘Dad, why did Rock push the referee? That’s not right is it?’
Dad: ‘I don’t know son. I don’t know.’
Son: ‘I don’t think I want to follow sport anymore.’
Dad: ‘Don’t lose heart son. Not everyone is like Rock.’

As they departed the ground I could see that the little boy was, indeed, losing heart.

I thought it would be marked down as a success that Rocko actually managed to show up for once?

If this is what rocko is like when he shows up I’m suprised the lads were making such a big deal about his no shows?

How is stevie g? Cartilage? Cruciate? Kneecap? Grazed?

[quote=“myboyblue”]If this is what rocko is like when he shows up I’m suprised the lads were making such a big deal about his no shows?

How is stevie g? Cartilage? Cruciate? Kneecap? Grazed?[/quote]

Looks like cruciate MBB. I’ve spoken to the young man this morning and he’s in good spirits though a little disturbed by how thoughtful Bandage, Cesc4 and Jugs were when he was expecting no help at all. He’s guessing they may have gone through his wallet.

I stand over my actions last night, much like I stood over the referee last night Haaland-style as he lay prone on the floor like a squirming Keane.

KC summed it up best when he said that the ref’s comments were too soon and they were. The game was stopped only about 20 seconds, Stevie G was clearly in agony, and you’d some lad quipping - not just about him but to him. And he was told to shut up but persisted.

So I reacted the way any captain worth their salt would and stood up for my stricken teammate. I was pleased with arriving at the right level of aggression, enough to send him flying and certainly to inflict the right degree of contempt and disgust and even inflict a splash of pain to accompany the humiliation. But it wasn’t a headbutt and it wasn’t followed up with any kick or anything.

He did try to come back for some more but was restrained by two opponents while the mouthing off continued and he red carded me in the midsts of all that which was hilarious afterwards. Equally stupidly I threatened him with never refereeing in the league again which was pure thick considering I’d pushed him and considering it’s only astro.

Anyway I was summoned to return soon after and we had the cracking situation of an assault victim apologising to the aggressor. I was humble enough to accept his apology and it wasn’t long before everyone was slagging Stevie G together, just to keep everyone’s spirits up.

A great night’s entertainment but I won’t be apologising to any children who were turned off the game by last night’s actions. I remember that lad who got scared by the Lansdowne riots and all the sympathy he got and it turned him into some pussy musician. The real fans last night would have been thrilled by what they saw. A game for the ages and for all ages.

Fair play rocko, no waffle, you put your hand up, cant say fairer than that.

What way does insurance work with the ol Astro?

It doesn’t, there is none.

You can get it yourself if you want but they hold no liability.

Fook, thats awful.

Say what you like about the GAH, a lad is covered for any injury, no matter what.

“You’re finished refereeing in this league, I’m reporting you to the league”. That’s our captain fantastic.

We were fortunate that 5 firemen turned up, any less and Stevie would still be on the cold asto surface.

Its an illegal gathering so.

Rocko was seething


We were fortunate that 5 firemen turned up, any less and Stevie would still be on the cold asto surface.[/quote]



Five firemen to open a lock on the gate. That’s what it took.

One of them even quipped to me:

‘Here mate - did he pay his share for the pitch?’
‘It’s not that serious so!’