Rough(ish) birds that you would get up on (AKA ugly birds with big baps thread)

I’m fucking seething here.

Sorry I thought this was the not roughish but not lovely thread.

Thats a fair mistake to make. You’re off the hook.

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Or just rename it as “Birds that are out of their league”

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She is rough, that dirty italian pout is good rough personified


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More Roughish bird that would get up on you!

Give Venus “The Fly Trap” Williams a score out of 10

[poll name=Venus type=number min=1 max=10][/poll]

Please add in a ‘0’ pal.

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0 means you’re gay and possibly a heavy-petter of small to medium-sized farm animals. Maybe go with 1 instead.



Right - votes are in. The Fly Trap got 3.29. Obviously a few 1s thrown in, but I suspect there’s a few degenerates in our midst that gave top marks. Well done to one and all.

I suspect there’s one.

I didn’t vote.

Ten not high enough?


You leave the wisecracks out of it and get back to ogling your wife’s friend’s fake titties.

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My opinion that either Williams is eminently rideable is well recorded on this forum I’ll have you know.

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