Rough(ish) birds that you would get up on

Better engine too I’d say

Ok that’s enough guys.


Lot of lads queuing up to act the big man on the INTERNET when they’d all happily ride her


Ah now

Would you be happy with that?

You’d see better birds lifting the bags in Dublin airport I’d say

Ah yeah. I’d give it a go

Happily is the word I’m struggling with here

Unless it’s the Honda 50 ride: great craic when you’re doing it but you’d never let your mates know you were riding it.

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Lovely body tbf to her but.

I think @artfoley pretty much nailed it there

I would be happy riding her, yes

Good for you mate.

Good for you.

I’d be very happy.

Plus she’s a minor celebrity posh burd, whats not to like. I also overheard her on the wireless going on about sending nudes, oh em gee you should never do it etc. So if you got your talons into her you could overdo it, gain her trust, manipulate her into a cheeky picture… Then disseminate it widely on the INTERNET to expose her hypocrisy

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She’s a Butter face

Would you categorise that as slut shaming or revenge porn?

You’ve got some issues Stan I think you need some counselling

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Public service announcement

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What a weird weird little man.

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That’s bordering on the disturbing.

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