Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

Its funny the way Roy has mellowed so much in pretty much every other aspect of his life, except for his grudge against The Boss.

Bruce Springsteen is a money hungry bollix.


Keane just wants to be able to tell his babysitter, with certainty, what time a rock concert ends.

He was one of the founder members of the PDs

In fairness, Keane always liked Ronaldo because he trained hard and the way he kept himself.

I think I read he went off Rooney when he saw the ugly bastard preening in the mirror. Ronaldo got away with similar, being good looking.


Keane fell out with Wazza because Wazza wanted to watch X Factor on away trip to Newcastle or somewhere.

Instead of the Rugby League match wasn’t it. I’m certain theres a quote attributed to Keane as well about Rooney being a complete whopper re the time he spent in the mirror. I just sense that was the more damaging incident.

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I’d say Keane would have had a very, very low opinion of X Factor back in those days.

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I might e-mail or tweet the Q&A segment the next time Keane is on MNF.

"Roy, which incident originally made you lose all respect for…

Love it. Fair play. Away from me ta fuck! Would Roy go to any Cork GAA games anymore?

He was at Dublin v Cork quarter final this year

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If the chap knew anything he would know that Keane doesn’t do selfies etc. Dead right to tell him to fuck off.

I’d imagine there’s some right pricks involved in looking for selfies.

It’s an ego thing - look who I met.

Much better to leave the poor man alone and post it on an internet forum.


He’s on Monday Night Football tonight, I think.

Some don’t mind at all. Some are there for that reason. Seán Kelly is very funny when he’s at the TdeM, he’ll always be asked to say a few words at the start. He has the same auld speal out of him, hope the weather stays fine, everyones ready, good cause etc etc, but he’s added a new one - anyone who wants to get a picture taken, no problem at all, that’s why they pay me the big money!

Roy being linked to the WBA job. It would be a grand job for him and bring back memories of Sunderland 2006. Unlikely to actually happen though like the multiple jobs he’s been linked to over the past 11 years.

I think he has mellowed and could now be capable of accepting that not all people can live to his standards.

That long out of a job , would he manage it?

Was fairly publicly spotted in PUR at the Cork-Kerry game this year. Good man to get home to be fair to him.