Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

He’s back in Cork once a month for 3 or 4 days at a time.

Always travels by boat.

Can I have a photo, Roy?


My brother has taken on a guide dog. Guide dogs Ireland take in a dozen or so pups of 12 months from France with some level of training already. Keeps it for another year, adding to the training where upon the pup hopefully graduates and he has to give it up.

Supposedly, where he can, Keane turns up at these doggy graduations to thank those who took in and trained the pups for and with Guide Dogs Ireland.


Sky skirting around the big D here


Roy has Shawshank Redemption as his no 1 movie.
What an Irish legend

Keano is an NFL man

Lovely nod to JBM there.

Keane is really bigging up hurling here. Jimmy barry Murphy getting a shout out too

A beautiful TV moment. If he’d mentioned any other Corkman questions would be asked

Keano is backing Souness

Best day out for Keane is an All Ireland hurling final, especially if Cork are involved…


Two Red Devils legends. Betrayed by the franchise.

Keane had no falling out with the owners really. He fell out with sir Alex Ferguson. Ronaldo seems to have fallen out with pretty much everyone bar sir Alex ferguson.

But they still worship cunts like Giggs and Irwin.


Who do? Roy Keane is surely the most popular ex player and I suspect if ronaldo comes back in five years time he’ll be the same.

The fans didnt back Keane when banquo fucked him over. They did fuck all bar sing a few songs. Sickening behaviour.

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The fans 100 percent backed Keane. Your desperately just making things up trying to wind people up for nearly three hours now. It’s very sad for you.


How did they do this? Sign a few more songs than usual. I’d say Roy was delighted with this :smiley:

Your absolutely seething now. If your are trying to wind somebody up try and be subtle. Not a flurry of nonsensical posts on various threads. It’s too easy to spot.

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