Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

Roy has never been the same since Jonathan Walters frightened the life out of him on Ireland duty. Walters asked him outside and Roy politely declined. I wouldn’t blame him. Walters is a tough nut.


I’d say McAteer definitely smelled better after filming his ad for Wash And Go than Keane did after filming his ad for Walkers.

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As a complete psychopath when the chips are down i can empathise with roy, and recognise him as one of our own. Roy had no idea of what would happen to Jonathan. It probably scared him a little.




Well known fact that Walters put it up to Keane and he bottled it. Typical bully.

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We’ll known by who?

People in Irish football circles. Keane was bullying Harry Arter. The usual bully, try it on with quiet lads. Walters stepped in for Arter. Roy backed down quickly.

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When did you wake up from this dream?

Why do you feel the need to stand up for Keane?

Eh. Everyone knows that. It was a big thing at the time. They’ve had two rows supposedly.

Sounds like Walters is desperately unprofessional and a huge cunt.

Interesting to see @Perez2017 come out and batt for the English born mcateer and Walters.

Walters mother is Irish. Totally entitled to play for Ireland.

A few minutes ago you said it never happened

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If Keane gave him a few clips you’d have the same lad calling him a thug.

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Tis hard going all the same

The jacket is gone up to €300 now, and is sold out.
That’s me goosed for Christmas…

Keano’s a fucking legend. Grew up, and evolved under a harsh spotlight. He’s distinctly mellowed, but still has that bite inside of him. He does a lot of good work behind the scenes that the majority never hears of.


Jon Walters was a great servant to Ireland. Big game player. Stood up to bullies like Keane as well