Roy Keane - Sky Sports Pundit / Walkers Leprechaun / Adidas Champion

Scholes and Becks carried the other 2 plodders.

Keane was some thumper, jumping into tackles like some lad playing for Turnpyke Rovers

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Reminds me of the time that Zonal Marking nerd went back & watched Juve 2-3 Man United from 1999 & concluded Keane was actually fairly shit in that match.


Sorry, it’s just your pivot from Viera to Flamini was so bizarre I felt it worth giving it the respect it deserved.

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Could you share that? I was 11 when that match was on so my memory is not very reliable

And yet every player that played with him or against him really rated him . Go figure .

He was class mate. Fellas are just on the wind up.

Can’t get a copy & paste going on my phone unfortunately. Getting a privacy message from The Athletic. :grimacing:

On a serious note mad the way that story gathered legs. Zidane turning him inside out on the pitch and he trying to kick lumps out of him. He said himself it was far from his best game.

This will drive the Celtic/pretend ira crowd mental

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Sure chiellini was battered by a few pasta kneaders in his latter years…

John has picked a funny time to visit this but nonetheless, if he writes a book Keane is dead… Big if tho

Good oul John

6 mins in

Keane comes across badly

Keane’s a panto dame now.


There was no bigger fan of Roy than me (probably a Cork thing). However, in hindsight he was wrong in saipan and he is wrong with John Walters. Great leaders have a humility to them. Roy, while having great leadership qualities does not have this. Probably, the main reason he failed as a manager. He just lacks empathy and humility.


He was wrong with Sir Alex too.

I don’t know about that. A lot of people speak highly of him.

He’s as contrary as fuck. And he holds grudges easily under the guise of being a proper man.

That’s the point.


He was too alike with Ferguson most probably