RTE Correspondents

Out of your league. Did you see the shiner? And she out jogging.

Tommy Gorman is an awful lemon.
He loves posing deeply insightful what if scenarios in his reports.


A shrewder mediator would have sorted Saipan. Instead:

“What about the children Roy, would you not come back for them”

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I cant get through that.

Hard to know which one is the bigger cunt.

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Philip Bromwell had another hard hitting piece on the News at 1 there. He was at the airport and as usual asked the tough questions that only Philip can deliver. One in-depth question included “have you ever seen the airport so quiet at Christmas time”. Incredibly most staff admitted they had not. Philiip must have shat in someone’s sandwich as there’s no other explanation as to why he has been overlooked for the jucier correspondent roles.


Ms Locke and I remarked along the same lines. What was the point in that story? What benefit did it bring us? Is it a slow news week?

I’m reminded of the simpsons poochie episode

I’ve been doing some thinking, and I got some ideas to improve the news. I got it right here.
Uh, one: Covid needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.
Two: Whenever Covids not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, “What about Covid?”


There’s a Covid vaccine and the Brexit scaremongering has run its course. They’re just doing up their notes on the health service and homelessness and they’ll be back to their best shortly

Totally fucking wrong. She’s daughter of the late, great journalist Danno Halloran. You’ve confused her with Kathy Herbert… you stupid knob.

Totally fucking incorrect.

@GhostofAFR taking out the ten year old trash here, breathtaking :clap:


I’d have to say that this year, with passenger numbers less than 10% of what they normally are, has been the quietest I’ve seen it.

I confirm this story as true

It was investigative journalism at its best.

I heard that Super Valu had to show evidence that the hug in their Christmas ad between the grandad and grandson was not real and had been digitally constructed.

RTE and NPHET wouldn’t have allowed it to be shown otherwise.


Ah, yer too kind.

Who is this wank?

Jon Fuckin Snow :smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley::smiley:


One of those tossers who pops in once in a while to act the internet hardman, a real godhelpus species

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